Ohio still trying for CCW


New member
House bill 23 evidently dies in the discussion phase. Bil 23 was a "Vermont Style" carry law. It evidently has been replaced by house bill 165 http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/ and search for House Bill 165. from what I can gather, 165 is a "shall issue" bill that is a little more restrictive, but still retains the good points of present law. This IMHO is as far as it should go. We would still have the right to open carry, the right to carry if our life was threatened, CCW or not, limited record retension pertaining to licencening, the right to carry anywhere in the State (Take that Cincinati with your ban of all things semi auto), the right to carry not limited to one specific gun(The right tool for the right job, sometimes a small semi auto is preferable to anything else, and sometimes an N frame is), the inablility of the issuer(Sherrif) to block the issuance for political reasons, putting the issuance at a County level instead of a local level or State level( County officials are elected, State Police and Local Police are hired or appointed). Overall a pretty good one, and not a bad second choice.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
I'll go over it later. I got up through "no serial numbers, no long-term records". That's good. Go through and figure out the training requirements, and see if you can pack non-gun weapons...I'll check later in more detail, may take a day or two.

Jim March
The bill is sponsored by 49(I think if I counted correctly) of the 100(Again if i counted correctly) members of the House. Many of the sponsors are women, many are democrats, many are form districts that border States that have CCW laws and as such are aware of the influx of criminals in search of easy prey. I am optomistic about this one, my own representative is NOT listed as a sponsor,therfore a letter is in order urging him to support the Bill. This has a very good chance of getting through the House.
On the downside, there are restrictions placed on the carry of "Deadly Weapons" other than a handgun. No loaded shotguns in a car or boat, knives could be considered a "Deadly Weapon" since there is a very open definition of the term according to the Ohio Revised Code. All in all though, it is far more open that what we have now. Right now we have the right to carry only in a situation "Where a prudent man should be armed". That is to be considered a positive defence against a concealed weapons charge. It seldom if ever flys. The determination of the situation is left open to the court. The court overwhelmingly determines there is no threat.
I like this one. If you live in Ohio, go to the site above, find your representative and write with your view on this Bill.

ps: Yes I will use a spell checker when I write. ;)
A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited February 17, 1999).]
It also includes liberal training requirements (If you've ever held an Ohio hunters license, or served in military, or former cop/security) and includes mass reciprocity - if your state issues, we'll recognize it.

If you think "militia" applies to the National Guard, then you must think "Freedom of Speech" applies to the Government Printing office.

Bob Mueller - Second Amendment Research Network
Haven't heard any news on OH CCW in quite some time now. Anyone have an update for us? I fear the lack of news means it may not be a possibility any more. Somebody please dispell my fear!

BAB: House Bill 23, a Vermont style carry bill is still in assignment to the CRJ house committe. Governor Taft is pressing his education proposals, and is spending most of his time keeping the House busy finding out where to come up with the funds.Once to education problems have been worked out, the House should be able to move on other issues. Public opinion is very strong against Bill 23, and that idiot Cleveland mayor, and his equally brain dead conterpart in Cinci, with their grandstanding gun suits, only feed the anti fires. House bill 165 is probobly the best bet. Not a Vermont style, but pretty good, in fact IMHO better for most of the State than unrestricted carry. Given the poor laws in Ohio concerning self defence, and the biased and PC civil court system, ( Ohio just ain't Vermont ), 165 is a better bet. Hang in there, it isn't over yet.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Thanks Hal...good to hear that there's still hope. I'm originally from OH (Cinci :)), and still have family there, much of which would love to exercise their right-to-carry in a legal manner. Plus, it's one more no-issue state that needs to go!! I'll have to read up on H.B. 165 again...can't remember much about it. I do seem to remember it having several (40-50?) sponsors already. Hmmm...let's keep our fingers crossed. If you or anyone else hears anything more, let us know!

Once again, thanks Hal!

BTW, you currently live in OH, I assume? If so, where abouts?


[This message has been edited by BAB (edited April 09, 1999).]
BAB: Follow this link and search for HB 165, you can keep track of it. Also HB 23, but I think 23 is a dead deal.


I live just North of Akron, outside of the Kleveland limits.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
http://www.earp.com/rubbish.html John Gilchrist is not even a Law Enforcement Officer, he is the Secratary. He also doesn't seem to know his bills either. House Bill 64 that he references deals with:

"To amend section 5747.01 of the Revised Code to exempt from the personal income tax up to $10,000 in state and federal government retirees' retirement benefits."

This is from an *expert* (his words, not mine) on the subject.It does not look good for CCW in Ohio based on this. I suspect a real smear campaign from the anti's, far worse that MO had.
I wouldn't bet on it, Chicago folks pass laws and take tax money from Illinois, and most figure they aren't part of that state either. In fact, many Chicagoans, if asked, will first say that Chicago is the capital of Illinois.

True story: My mom works for the State Department of Natural Resources in Springfield. She works on and writes for the "Outdoor Illinois" magazine, though most of the time she considers most of the content yuppie foolishness. Anyway, DNR employees often pull shifts at the DNR booth at the state fairs in Springfield and Duquoin. A staffer from Chicago was once asked to work at the State Fair in Springfield, and she replied "Wow, I'd love to. I've never been out of state before!"

So, this woman from Chicago thinks:
A. Springfield is not in Illinois or Chicago is not in Illinois and

B. The Illinois State Fair would be held outside Illinois for some reason.

Or maybe this woman believes that Chicago IS the state of Illinois...which seems to be basically true with regard to many aspects of IL state law.
Anyone from Ohio...how's the CCW bid going? I read somewhere that hearings on HB165 were supposed to have been held last week. Did that happen, and if so, how did it go?
Sorry. CCW in Ohio will never happen. We stood a good chance, but since April 20th and Littleton, HB23 which was the Vermont style has been tabled. Last week Governor Taft weenied and stated he would veto any CCW law.That pretty much seals the fate of HB 165. I feel sorriest for Toledo, if Michigan passes a CCw law. Toledo will be invaded by Detroit, in a far more devestating manor than Cinci has been by Kentucky (Criminals that is).


[This message has been edited by Hal (edited May 31, 1999).]