Ohio Proposal on under 21 firearms,reply and response from my senator.


New member
It started when I saw this news at my local stations website.

The Headline
Law Would Make Guns Illegal for Those Under Age 21

A little about the bill proposed:

In the story I noticed that they used references about underage people who were already breaking the current laws when they committed the crimes in regards to the firearm. To be honest this set me off so start my letter writing.

I wrote 5 total but I did get my first response back to day from one of my senators on the subject.

I have sent letters before but never got any reply's so I am not sure on if I can post names or not? If someone knows if I could do this legally I would be happy to edit or have a mod edit to include the name.

I will start with my letter out which I used the NRA-ILA contacts forms to contact my state and local reps.

My Letter

March 26, 2009

[recipient address was inserted here]

[recipient name was inserted here],

Would you please step in an put a stop to this nonsense on House Bill 354
Mr ***********.

It is ALREADY illegal for anyone under 21 to own a hand gun and 18 for a
long arm. The kids shooting or involved in the use of these said guns are
ALREADY breaking the law. There is no need to further push through laws
like this to already law abiding citizens under 21.

The measures below are already in place. I see this bill a huge waste of
tax payers money and concentration when more serious issues should be
addressed in enforcing the existing laws. You and I both know the
provisions set fourth in this to allow hunting etc will put any 18 to 20 year old caught hunting through the legal ringer until proven innocent.

Hunting with a son or daughter is a long tradition of many family's in the
USA and especially Ohio. To take it away from our family's youth in my
opinion is destroying the foundations of law abiding family's to legally
bond as we have as a country for over 200 years.

------------> It is illegal, under 18 USC 299 b1, for a licensed firearms
dealer to sell or deliver a handgun or its ammunition to a person under 21
years of age, or a shotgun or rifle or its ammunition to a person under 18
years of age.

------------> It is illegal, under Ohio Revised Code 2923.211, for a
person under 18 years of age to purchase, or attempt to purchase, ANY

------------> It is illegal, under Ohio Revised Code 2923.211, for a
person under 21 years of age to purchase, or attempt to purchase, a

------------> It is illegal, under Ohio Revised Code 2923.21, for a
grown-up to sell ANY firearm to a minor under 18, or to sell a handgun to
a person under the age of 21*.

------------> It is illegal, under Ohio Revised Code 2923.21, for a
grown-up to furnish any firearm to a person under 18 or, to furnish a
handgun to a person who is under 21, except for lawful hunting, sporting,
or educational purposes, including, but not limited to, instruction in
firearms or handgun safety, care, handling, or marksmanship under the
supervision or control of a responsible adult.

------------> It is illegal, under Ohio Revised Code 2923.21, for a
grown-up to sell or furnish a firearm to a person who is 18 years or older
if they have reason to believe that person will then sell the firearm to a
person who is under age.

------------> It is illegal, under Ohio Revised Code 2923.21, for a
grown-up to sell or furnish a handgun to a person who is 21 years or older
if they have reason to believe that person will then sell the handgun to a
person who is under age.

------------> It is illegal, under Ohio Revised Code 2923.21, for a
grown-up to purchase a firearm with the intent of selling it to a person
who is under 18 years of age.

Now the response I received.

from Sherrod Brown <do_not_reply@brown.senate.gov>
to edited@gmail.com
date Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 6:13 PM
subject Reply from Senator Sherrod Brown
mailed-by brown.senate.gov

hide details 6:13 PM (22 hours ago)


Dear Mr. flippycat(edited):

Thank you for expressing your position on gun control.

I do not support an outright ban on guns nor restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens to possess guns. However, the biggest threat to Second Amendment and privacy rights is gun-related crime. In the absence of safeguards that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and distinguish between lawful and unlawful use of firearms, concerns regarding personal safety could fuel greater support for an outright ban on gun ownership.

Gun owners and gun safety advocates can and should work together to reduce gun violence without compromising the Second Amendment or privacy rights of law-abiding Americans. As the Senate considers these issues, I will support common sense reforms that balance the rights of gun owners with the need to increase public safety and protect the public from gun violence. Thank you again for contacting me.

Sherrod Brown

I wish the NRA had a pre drafted letter on this issue I wrote about, It is hard for me to write in a souless mindset. Any suggestions, thoughts if I do it again? Is it customary to write them back?
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I thought your letter was good. Any letter to one of "them", is a great letter.

I would be very cautious with this guy. Some things in his letter led me to believe he would ban guns in a heart beat in the interest of public safety.
The only issue I see with your letter is the use of the term "grown-up". It sounds a little childish. I would have replaced it with adult.

Other than that your letter was well reasoned.

The response letter was full of code words that send off alarm bells for me.

I will support common sense reforms

This means bans on certain types of guns and further restrictions on the RKBA.

Gun owners and gun safety advocates can and should work together to reduce gun violence

Read "Gun owners should surrender their RKBA in the name of public safety"

In the absence of safeguards that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and distinguish between lawful and unlawful use of firearms, concerns regarding personal safety could fuel greater support for an outright ban on gun ownership.

Read "Should you not surrender some of your rights in the name of public safety we may make you surrender all of them"
Your State Legislator is a public person doing the publics work. Use of their name and their corrospondence in the performance of their duties is lawful. It does not break any copuright or privacy laws.

The tone of that letter suggests that they are for any new laws that will inhibit your rights. I would also say that it is a "canned" letter, sent out to anyone that is against their positions.

Seen many like them before.
I got a similar response from a rep here in MN, and i rewrote the letter asking him to quit dancing around the isuue and let me know which way his vote will go, so i will know which way mine will go when re-election time comes.:D
You should also look to your local hunting groups for a flood of emails and support.
What Antipitas said.

And no, it isn't customary to write them back: there's no need for you to reply to a piece of boilerplate like that letter.

If someone takes the trouble to respond, point by point, to the specific issues you raise (dream on!), then, sure, write back if you have something additional to say, but replying to a canned letter will probably just get you another one.

BUT -- just because all our reps reply with canned letters is no reason not to write to them: they do pay attention to how many people write about which issues, so it IS worthwhile -- keep up the good work.
Thanks for the advice and heads up guys. And thank you to Antipitas & 44 AMP via pm for clarification on legality and the importance of letting others know who sent the email as it helps let others know what their stance is. I did edit my original post to include this senator.

I do agree I could of done better, I also agree that what he sent me was a standard reply.

He did not touch base on my issue imo at all, I was asking about a specific issue and he gave me a general reply.lol but I was happy to receive a reply.

I just find what they are wanting to do over redundant based on our current laws, and in effect they are total banning the 18 to 20 legal abiding owners.

What bothers me the most about that, is they know that voice (18 to 20) is what got our current leader in and who they targeted...yet they are going to remove that voice from our cause if they have nothing to fight for imo.

Just knowing form my own sons they would look at it like "well it is only a year, or only two more years i have to wait."

To me that means he has to go two years without hunting or being able to defend himself.

I hope some other Ohio peeps hop on board with this also even if you do not have kids close to the ages they want to exile from firearms. It only takes one state to lead by example to make is catch on else where. Especially when it is coming from a very gun friendly state like Ohio.
You need to send it to State Reps

Brown is a US Senator. You need to find out who your local reps are and send it to them. This bill is in the Ohio congress, not the US congress. It is a canned letter as I have received the exact same letter 1 month ago on another issue. I am close to you so PM me and we might be able to get some grass roots effort going in SW ohio.
tacticalmedic, I sent it to all on the list provided by the NRA_ILA based on my zipcode :) My local reps were sent the letter also as well as the state reps all with the exception of O got it.
just an update

Thought I would share my second reply this one from Governor Ted Strickland :)Looks like it was defeated this time around :).

Dear Mr. Flippycat(editted):

Thank you for writing with regard to House Bill 354. I appreciate that you took the time to share your views about this important piece of legislation with me.

Please know that HB 354 was not approved during the 127th session of the Ohio General Assembly and will therefore need to be reintroduced in the 128th session of the General Assembly. Please be assured I will keep your views in mind if HB 354 is reintroduced and passed by the General Assembly and forwarded to me for signature. I would encourage you to share your concerns with your legislators, as your input will be important as they review this legislation.

Once again, I appreciate you writing to me. Please do not hesitate to contact my office if we can assist you in the future.



Ted Strickland
