Ohio Ordnance BAR


New member
Has anyone had any experience with this company and/or the BAR replica they make in semi auto configuration?

Man, you have no idea how much I would like one of those. They seem well built and nicely finished but as heavy as a cinder block, make that two cinder blocks. Basically in the same configuration as the BAR that Curby used in COMBAT (at least the ones I've seen). Don't really know how they shoot or the company's business practices. The people at the tables in the gun shows seem nice enough.

- Ron V.

Nope, but one police agency in California converted one to selective fire.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
one police agency in California converted one to selective fire.

That wouldn't be the El Monte PD, would it?

(BAD Coinneach! Go stand in the corner!)

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Well, they have to soften up grandma's house before the SWAT team moves in to search for the insulin needles don't they. What do you expect, a SWAT team to take on a 65 year old woman without a full auto .30-06? Sounds kinda risky to me!
I've read good things about them. They are a LOT OF BREAD though. the last one I sawe at a show was arounf $3000 clams.

Kind of neat but with that kind of bread I can pick up 2 NM m1a rifles that technically do the same exact thing.

(fire .30 caliber bullets at a velocity around 2600-2700 fps out of a 20 round box magazine.)