Ohio fun match

3 gun

New member
Tusco Rifle Club in Midvale Ohio is having a steel plate shoot Sunday May 20th from 10am till 4pm. Search "Tusco" in Lock and Load for more details. Any guestions email me, I'll do my best to get you the answer.

Well, got there at 6:40 pm. Missed out yet again. There were only two trucks parked at the two left ranges. Went to the 300 yd range anyway and unloaded a few mags thru to FAL. One other guy came by to shoot his Savage in .308 he was having grouping problems with. Gave him a box of Portuguese ammo to try out.
Last month three of us went down to Tusco. It was our first time. We decided this was too much fun to have just once.
Four of use came down from the Erie/Lorain County area for the shoot this past weekend. We had a great time bustin' steel!
I love to see the plates jump when a .30 cal hits them.
My one buddy used my AR to shoot against me. I used my M-1A. Don't you know the AR choked on the second round and I cleaned his clock. Turned out to be a badly re-sized reload.
The staff on the ranges are great! They are very helpful and active. A great place to shoot.
We can hardly wait until next month.