Ohio CCW Thoughts?

U22 for You

I just purchased my first gun. (U22 Neos) And it got me thinking. If I want to persue a CCW Permit here in Ohio, where could i actually take my CCW? (It would not be for my U22, but for a gun to be purchased later)

While Ohio is a CC State, I don't seem to see a whole lot of places you actually can go with a CCW. At least here in Ohio, with a CCW, you cannot enter banks, any place that sells liquor, schools, and any business that posts a sign forbidding it. (And I do see a ton of those signs)

Any CCW holder's in Ohio that can offer inisght?
Welcome from a fellow Ohioan.

For the best county sheriff in your home and adjacent county for turn around time check out http://ccwhen.com/.

A great place for Ohio concealed carry issues is http://www.ohioccw.org/. Also check out their Ohio laws on concealed carry section http://www.ohioccw.org/content/view/3902/97/.

With respect to your question about where you can carry concealed in Ohio, lets separate can, may and should. You can carry anyplace without screening security. You may carry everywhere else you choose. Concealed is concealed. Only you can decide where you should carry and you should keep it a secret.
Howard pretty much nailed it.

One other thought. The places you see "posted," are often posted out of ignorance. A reasoned approach to the responsible party can often result in the posting coming down. "Marc's Deeper Discounts/Marc's Pharmacy" was an early example of a posting coming doen.

If the proprietor is unresponsive, consider taking your business elsewhere, and informing the responsible party why. Ohioans for Concealed Carry has heops for these processes.


I live in Ohio and I've had my CCW for awhile. I live in Columbus, so I see a lot of the little signs with a pistol and a line drawn through it.

My policy is this. I carry in there if I have to do business in there.

If somebody tries to rob the place and it looks to be a non-lethal situation, I won't interfere.

If it looks like somebody is going to get killed--especially me--signs be damned.
Some banks are very pro CCW (huntington and national city I believe).

There's always an alternative if the business you like is posted no CCW. Either getting them to take down the sign, or go somewhere else.

It's any place that sells liquor for consumption on the premises. You shouldn't have a gun at a bar if you've been drinking anyway, this isn't a Lynyrd Skynrd song.

Colleges. Well, I'm sure some people carry illegally on campus (whether or not they're right to do so). I'm pretty sure no one would mind if a Virginia Tech sort of thing happened and a CCW'er saved some lives.
I certainly appreciate the input. I will have to do more research to see what my next gun is first, then CCW.

Let me at this point offer you the obligatory kool-aid.

Glock's make excellent CCW weapons, and depending on your size and your caliber preferences they make a gun for just about anyone. Check out the Glock 36 or 30 if you don't want to compromise concealability for cartridge power.
You can definitely carry in some banks.
Always consider moving your business. I influence several business accounts and have personal accounts that were at 5/3. They are all in the process of being moved. This is in a large part due to poor customer service I received at the bank, but I will not say the CCW had no influence. Right now they say my credit card has a balance of $0 but I have a minimum payment of $10 due. They don't seem nearly as concerned about this as I am.
There are plenty of places that allow CCW. And I respect the signs that businesses put up. They don't want my money - I don't go out of my way to give it to them.

Letters to the managers and parent companies of such businesses go a long way.
All good advice and if you don`t do business where a "no-gun "sign is posted, thank you. More important let the owner know why. If your in or adjoining to Fairfield Co., Sheriff Phalen is big pro-ccw. Very fast, friendly experience.
I live south of Ohio in Kentucky and while Ohio CCW is more restrictive, you owe it to yourself to get your CCW. Of course do your own research, but you'll find you are able to carry more often than you think.