Ohio - Castle Doctrine to Become Law!


Moderator Emeritus

An excellent synopsis of the changes to Ohio law can be found here: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/5730
SB184 Analysis: Significant practical improvements for ALL Ohioans

By Jim Irvine

What changes will SB184 make to Ohio law? How do they apply to the average hunter, target shooter, and concealed carry license holder?

The Act does not go into effect for three months after it is signed into law (the Governor's office has the signing scheduled for Tuesday, June 10th), but we have received many requests for a list of what this bill does. To that end, here is a summary of the changes in SB184.

For all law-abiding citizens (Not just gun owners)

* Castle Doctrine: If someone breaks into your occupied home or temporary habitation, or your occupied car, you have an initial presumption that you may act in self defense. The prosecutors may overcome this presumption if illegal activity was happening or other extenuating circumstances, such as a husband and wife domestic violence situation.

* Civil Immunity: Crime victims will be immune from civil actions from their attackers and their families for actions that cause a criminal to be harmed or killed.

* Duty to Retreat: A person who is lawfully in their residence or vehicle has no "duty to retreat" before using force in self-defense or defense of another.

For all gun owners:

* Definition of a "loaded" gun.

SB184 will eliminate all the vague "ready at hand" language that has been bastardized in our courts and provide a simple way you can be sure you can legally transport your firearm. Simply put, the gun must be unloaded. An unloaded gun has no bullet in the chamber or cylinder. You may not have any loaded speed loaders or magazines for the gun in question anywhere in the motor vehicle. There are no longer any rules about where the gun or the ammo must be, or their relation to each other.

* Section 2923.16 will be the only section controlling firearms transported in cars. Restrictions in other sections will apply outside of vehicles.
-PROBLEM SOLVED: Woman convicted for having an unloaded handgun in a case in her own car!!

* Carrying concealed weapons in one's own home will not require a concealed handgun license (CHL).

* If a gun is seized and later ordered to be returned to the owner, and the police refuse to return the property and legal action is successful in getting property returned, it is mandatory that legal fees be reimbursed.

Concealed Handgun License (CHL) changes:

* A CHL holder will be permitted to carry in a government owned building that is not a government facility where business is generally conducted. A CHL will be able to posses firearms in government owned parking garages, rest areas, and shelters. Carry in a BMV is prohibited.

* The criminal penalty for a CHL carrying in a "no guns" parking lot is eliminated. The property owner retains a cause for an action for civil trespass.

* A CHL holder will be permitted to pick-up/ drop-off a child in a the designated area of a school safety zone.

* A CHL holder will be permitted to carry in retail facilities that sell alcohol for consumption off premises. (Giant Eagle, Wal-Mart, carry-out) as long as the license holder is not consuming alcohol and is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

* The holder of a liquor permit for consumption on premises who has a CHL will be permitted to carry in his/her own establishment, and will be permitted to hire police to provide security, including inside the liquor establishment.

* Sealed and expunged records will no longer be disqualifying offenses and will not preclude persons from obtaining an Ohio CHL.

* If a person fails to notify a police officer that they are armed during an official stop, and the license holder can prove that the officer had information that he was a CHL, the penalty will be reduced. NOTE: It is still required to notify police that you are armed and this change does NOT change or reduce your obligation to inform law enforcement when you are armed.

* A CHL holder will be permitted to have a loaded handgun in an unlocked glove compartment and a center console in an automobile.

* A landlord may not evict a tenant for owning a lawful firearm or possessing a concealed carry license.

* The requirement for a written test during the re-qualification process is eliminated. A practical test is still required.

The Act will become law on September 8, 2008.

Please call Governor Strickland at 614-466-3555 to thank him for his support.
This is the best thing for firearm owners that I have seen in a great long while. I'm very proud of Ohio and the elected officials. Congrats to those of you in Ohio.
Thank God that Ohio has finally gotten past all this BS, and we have some of the most rediculous restrictions removed. Now on to the no retreat in PUBLIC laws....
I live across the mighty Ohio River from Cincinnati. As Kentucky CCW holder, I was amazed at the backwards gun laws in Ohio (i.e. my favorite was when carrying concealed in a vehicle, the gun had to be visable to an officer during a traffic stop. How could any one define what was visable to an officer? Oh those good old days of the Buckeye Tuck!).

Congratulations as it looks like Ohio finally got this right!
This is a big step for Ohio laws since many LEO organizations were opposing the signing of this bill. On behalf of the sane citizens of the State of Ohio, "THANK YOU , GOVERNOR STRICKLAND" for standing up, acting on and clearing up some of the grey areas of the gun laws in the state of Ohio that so many other politicians have danced around for so many years. Hopefully other states will follow suit.