Ohare Airport - City of Chicago Gun laws


New member
Ohare Airport is actually part of the city of Chicago. Since Chicago has tougher restrictions on gun laws, how do people travel through Ohare Airport? Meaning, if your flight gets routed through Chicago, are you breaking the law because you checked a handgun in your luggage?

What if I am flying out of Ohare and I bring a 30rd mag for my AR which is also illegal in Chicago. Would it be confiscated? Would I be arrested?
Firearms Owner Protection Act 86

Although the antis got the machine gun registry closed by a last minute amendment to this bill (which was passed by voice vote only), the original act still stands and protects (or at least tries to) innocent travelers. If the item (gun, mag, ammo, etc.) is legal where you live, and it is legal where your are going, (and it is part of your luggage - not worn) you are protected by Federal Law.

This does not mean that you will not be arrested, harassed, or put in jail (temporarily), this has happened to people in New Jersey, Mass., NY, and probably a couple of places I haven't heard of. BUT, the eventual outcome has always been the same, ultimately charges are dropped, the case thrown out.
Be very carefull avoid anything potentially illegal hell may not have to actually be illegal you challenge wrong person in authority and you may be hating life big time no matter how just,right or civil you were. Doing anything controversial its best to have a copy of the legal code on you that affirms you into the right and know the numbers of a few pro gun lawyers in the area. I havent been through ohare alot but I have been through it and they have a station at the airport if officer friendly was there I sure as hell didnt see him. carefull about exiting the airport too. can be tough to get back in to warm area with food last I knew need a ticket to get back in. screwed up airport and one city that could use a few megatons of remodeling.

carefull you dont end up like Shaun Kranish the second time around.

are you a illinois citizen ? do you have a foid? do you have papers in order for 30rnd magazine? legal in start point and destination? is not legal in chicago which is usually trouble anything that would challenge or change that status that can be easily proven though you may have to go through full process to find out. some things are best to ship outside of luggage though if firearms make sure you follow shipping laws.
If you checked your luggage at departure and you are changing planes in ORD (Chicago), as long as you're on the same airline, you shouldn't need to fetch your luggage. Confirm with the airline, of course, since errors do happen.

If you're changing airlines (e.g. from AA to Delta) you'll have to claim your bag at the carousel and then check it in again at the counter of the connecting flight. If you are carrying a firearm in the baggage, be sure to declare it at the counter, per FAA rules. If you have any trouble with airport security, showing them your flight itenerary and the stub (if any) from your originating flight will prove you are a traveler "in transit" through ORD.

Where you could possibly get into trouble is if your connecting flight fails. That is, you've arrived on time, checked your baggage and the aircraft suffers a problem that ultimately cancels the flight.

In this case, if the airline can book you on another, later flight to your destination, have them do so. In some cases the airline will offer passengers free hotel accomodations in a nearby airport hotel. This is dicey, for if you do stay, it can potentially open you up to prosecution - especially if you end up needing to use the firearm in self defense.

If the airline wants to put you up in a hotel, insist that they book you onto another airline. Failing this, ask for the customer service manager. Explain to him that staying in a hotel is not an option and why. Inform him the airline's failure puts you in legal jeopardy and that you want resolution. Usually a CSM knows how to get around red-tape and/or can get authorization for "special cases". If you're not satisfied, keep asking for the next level representative. If stonewalled, demand to speak to the operations manager (he hates to be bothered) which usually gets things moving.
OK, this is starting to make sense. I just spoke to the Chicago Police Dept O"Hare Division. 44 AMP was right. If the firearm is legal where you live and legal where you are going, there is no problem. It would be the same thing if you were driving.
However, in doing all of my research, I am more afraid of the gun being stolen in baggage claim.
If Your Gun Disappears Intransit

I am more afraid of the gun being stolen in baggage claim.

Do the following three things:

  1. Have the serial number along with the make and model with you
  2. As soon as it is clear that the toting luggage turns up missing at the carousel, confront the airline.
  3. If they do not know where the luggage is, call first the FAA regional office at your destination, then call the ATF. Tell both of them what happened.
Sounds like you're assuming a layover or baggage change at O'Hare. Suppose one is flying to a gun friendly state from Illinois. A handgun is legal in the state with a FOID, but not in Chicago at all.

Is it equivalent to driving through Chicago to get to a gun-friendly place? I would hope the federal protection would apply? Do the airline people who process the checked baggage know what to do?

I usually fly into Midway (more proper Chicago than O'Hare, which, like a lot of neighborhoods, really ought be a suburb). While I've never flown with any of my handguns, I've flown with rifles and shotguns of all shapes, sizes and actions, without incident. They check it at the departing airport, and it's returned to me in Chicago. I leave with it and avoid Cook County for as long as possible thereafter. I wouldn't fret over it.