oh yea


New member
I got my lee 358-158RF mold the other day, gonna cast me some boolits for my .38, so i went down stairs ,cleand the mold and melted my lead, and pourd me some boolits, well that didnt go so well. They looked like crap and the #s were all over the place, i thought to myself that maybe this wasnt for me. Then a friend of mine sent me some beautiful boolits and it struck a fire in me. Today i took my time and poured just 100 and they turned out very good, i like it a lot !! this leads me to my question:) They are dropping at 164gn.+or-1 , Im going to load them for target shooting. The new lyman cast boolit hand book list 158gn. lyman cast using bullseye starting load 3.0 and max 3.4 . should i use this load for my boolits or go on up to ther 160gn listing which lists bullseye at 3.2gn starting and 3.6max. Im using bullseye because my local reloading /gun shop only carries it or unique. As you can tell iv never loaded cast boolits so all help is appreciated. Thank you and Thank you again friend!!:)
Lee 158 RF

I bought one last year and I can say I had a bit of a shock to.I just collected every kind of lead and did not really watch how I was melting them together I just sepparated the zinc weights,filled the pot full and turned up the heat.Well after melting down more than 60 muffin pan ingots I decided to cast some.I had weights all over the board from 162 grs to some up in the 170 range.When I posted this on this forum guys told me that the mixes were the reason.So I ordered a lead hardness tester and sure enough there was a dramatic difference.Now don't be too supprised if the mold drops a little heavy from what I have read on here and other forums 162 gr is about normal for that mold.As far as loading I use Unique so my advice for loading would be error to the side of caution.
Lee molds

The last Lee mold I purchased I boiled it cleaned with `bout all the stuff in the house & it still threw wrinkled bullets .

After the 3rd warmup cycle it was throwing good bullets !

There cooling lube while boring soaks into the pours of the aluminum & heating it is the only way to get it out !!

Lee molds use Lyman #2 alloy as a standard for casting weights but I generally go for 10-14 bhn , the 10bhn bullets have less alloy & more lead thus will weigh on the heavy side , but as long as the dia. is correct I`m happy !!!

BE & Unique is a good powder & alot of people swear by it ,but I use CLAYS & IMR700x for my target/plinkin loads , it burns cleaner & generally more avaiable in my area .

Your charges are generally accepted target/plinkin loads .

BE SAFE , Have FUN !!!!
