Oh! Rosie!


Staff Emeritus
Did you read that on Halloween, the children who came to "trick or treat" at Rosie's were met at the gate by Rosie's security forces!

Parents and other adults were forced to wait at the street! Only "children" were permitted by Rosie's security people to approach the Hallowed Hall of Heftiness to receive Halloween largess.

Rosie explained (complained?) that Halloween was no excuse to have folks running around her property looking at things.

Do you think she is paranoid about gun owners? After all, as they say about gun registration, "If you have nothing to hide...".
Dennis, I think you are right. I remember watching Rosie a few years back before she began all this gun control stuff, she never mentioned once that she had security. She was bragging about the good stuff she gives out and how much she loves to greet the kids and their parents. Its funny how people open their mouth about gun control yet they have the money to hire personal security guards. Why would one need a gun when you have your own personal army? To me, it is discriminating against those of us that dont make a few million a year. You got the money, you can get protection, if you dont, too bad for you. Pretty sick if you ask me.
Um, Dennis, I know that you changed the subject quickly with your opening post, but I'm still agape from the end of the first thread (unfortunately titled "Rosie O'Blubber); so...

What's with the doggeral? :) Informal new etiquette for transitioning to new threads? I wanna see what Rich and Mykl and probably especially DC come up with! George-- I've got a pretty good idea of his poetic style, I'm thinking. (palms rubbing together) Can't wait to see a new one closed for space and re-ignited! :D

Say-- silly of me to be sensitive for someone I don't think much of, but isn't there enough to pot-shoot at about Rosie, that we don't need to make all the porker references? After all, preliminary reports are that Shania is an anti, and she has the cutest little belly button I've ever stared at for 3 or 4 hours at a stretch. I just rather imagine that there might be one or two of our esteemed TFLers that are a percentage point or two above their ideal bodyfat, and yet I think no less of them for it. O'Donnel's a fool, a hypocrite, and has a remarkably big mouth to go with her loud voice; doesn't THAT give us enough ammo?

No, I'm NOT a P.C. wuss-- I'm just trying to keep our credibility.



Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Futo, you owe me a new keyboard. :D

Say, if you ever decide to leave PRK and move to Colorado, let me know. I need a good lawyer on retainer...

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I didn't change the subject - it's about Rosie, not Shania's navel! (a subject worthy of attention elsewhere!! ;))

And, if I have to try to read every single entry in the forum (a daunting, perhaps impossible task!!) I'm gonna have some fun doing it! :D :D (Hence, the doggerel!)


I wrote (then deleted) an attempt at some humor here. But, in a more serious vein, note that Rosie has made millions of dollars preying upon the lonely, unsatisfying lives of her viewers. Rosie is not stupid. She and her "handlers" are actually quite intelligent and effective.

Rosie seems to be very common - that's part of her appeal. Her appearance (yes, including her weight), her demeanor, her opinions, etc. are used in a very calculating manner to induce her viewers to identify with her - both as she appears to be and/or as her viewers dream of being.

That's one reason she is a commodity to be rented to K-Mart for advertising purposes.

Consider the adoration of her followers on the Rosie board. Such popularity from her desperate admirers keeps her show on the air. I seriously doubt Shania Twain has such a following - at least from women. ;)

We should give Rosie credit for her accomplishments - in spite of her bigotry toward self-defense.

Note how Sarah Brady and Rosie address the same goals to different constituencies. They complement each other with little overlap. I believe the RKBA movement needs a similar strategy. We need many *different* voices on many different levels if we are to counter effectively the un-American anti-gun movement.

That's why we need both the TFL-type BBSs and those which permit the screaming, yelling, and flames. Our *movement* must appeal to ALL possible constituencies.

Finding the rather narrow niche which TFL is trying to fill can be difficult. So we will, from time to time, have honest differences of opinions - not only about the goal of TFL (which is for Rich to decide) for also how to fill that selected niche (which all the Administrators address).

So other portions of our movement may be good, strong appeals to other constituencies. That's great. But we must appeal to our own target group.

Hmm. Now I *have* strayed off thread. But perhaps, if I'm not off-base here, we will be able to gain converts from areas which other BBSs have been unable to address. Some 3000 members seem to agree.

No criticism on the verse (darn it, I DID misspell "doggerel," didn't I?!). I was just surprised to see it, sort of like getting a citation from a cop via singing telegram. Kinda cool-- like I say, I'd like to see other fun transitions. You read it ALL? Dang. Time, time, time!

There's ALWAYS room for consideration of Shania's navel. . .
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. . . . . um, okay, sorry-- got distracted for a second, there... :)

Excellent point about Rosie's careful appeal. Hell, if it weren't for her ridiculous stance on guns, I'd like her, though she tends to get a little silly for me. Like a big sister-figure. Er, I mean, older sister-figure. (You're almost getting *me* to do it, too, Futo Inu...)

Dennis, I wasn't being judgemental about it when I said you changed the subject; I just meant the thread took a turn, there. (K Mart >Rosie's firing >Shania's hiring >doggerel >New extension of thread: Rosie at Halloween.)


(I am NOT overtly P.C., guys!)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Long path, I see where you are comming from, and it is suprising that fat people are the last people to safely discriminate against considering over half the U.S pop is overweight.

I think we should charge a fat tax on all their asses in the supermarket for the rising health costs they create and also for people who dont go to the Gym at least 3 times a week for cardio and weight training. I think I've hit about 95+% by now.

I call them how I see them, even pregnant women look fat so thats what I label them.

PS My fat ass is only that way to help absorb the recoil from my shotgun and keep my stance form leaning back.heeheh
My dislike of Rosie comes from what comes out of her mouth, not what she put's in it. Ditto for Monica. Rosie has no problem with references to her weight, her Chub Club is an example. My request to change the title is more of a "Let's focus on the issue, not the girth". It has been pointed out that name calling only detracts from the issues. The previous thread took a Celeb Slant, that IMHO really needs to be discusssed. The K-Mart vs the little guy turned to a stalemate of ideas,simply because there is no clear cut one size fits all good for everyone answer. It comes down to a personal choice, as everything in life should. No more from me on that topic, unless it goes to e-mail.
R.O's weight, politics or sexual preference are hers to have. I don't really care if she prefer's glazed doughnuts instead of cream sticks, I just don't feel she has any business restricting my freedom to choose what I eat. I think that statement pretty much sums up the feelings of most TFL posters. RO is pretty much a product of marketing just like Dennis pointed out. Public reaction is turning away from Rosie. No biggie there, it happens all the time in showbiz. The Johnny Fontaine character in The Godfather played that theme out pretty well. It looks like the in thing to do is to refuse to be on a show, instead of being on a show.

Yeah, Shania is pretty. Very, very pretty and she has a cute belly button. Maybe in 25 years she will guest on a show where she covers it up ala anti Barbera Eden.

One of the signatures on the HCI ad that got my attention the most was Fred Rogers. Can't comment on even if he has a belly button or not, I think he is a robot. Mr. Rogers has never publicly lent his name to anything that I know of. Kind of like a Mother Teresa with a sweater.

Too bad someone didn't have a camera at Rosie's house on Halloween. I think Rich's bounty still stands on a picture.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

:D You guys crack me up! This sure is better reading than the newspaper! :D

Ya know, it must be nice being Rosie in ONE respect - no need for a costume on Halloween! ;)

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!
Coin, tee hee. Sorry. What is PRK, anyway? I'm in OK. I'm actually considering a major life move in 2-3 years, but have ruled out Colo, which was an initial choice (though my uncle Bill is in Colo Sprgs, and he seems to like it a lot). I am considering at present the areas of Boise, ID; SLC, Utah; and Reno, NV (anyone have input or a job/place to live for me?). As far as needing a lawyer, I don't know how good I am, but realistically, Coin, you don't ever actually find yourself in "trouble", do you? I can't imagine..... :)

Long path, I just had a cheap chuckle at your expense. I actually see your point, and it is well-taken. I for one don't think robust folks in geneal ought to bear the brunt of baseless discrimination.
Dennis, you are EXACTLY right on, my man - we need to reach out and embrace all types who share our common goal - just like political parties reach out to form coalitions - It's just fine to disagree on many, many things, just so long as we realize we're ALL on the same team, and have the same goal (preserving freedoms), though we may have radically different opinions on how to get there. That's why we need groups like GOA ("no-compromise") AND NRA, too. Just like the antis have HCI (which purports to only want "reasonable" controls, not gun bans, and the VPC, which I believe makes no bones about wanting a total handgun ban, etc.)

I was actually quite inspired recently by a historical documentary which aired on PBS about the women's suffrage movement and how Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Katie Stanton worked their ENTIRE LIVES for the cause of women's suffrage, yet neither of these ladies lived to see it actually happen - but it DID happen - and mind you, it happened EVEN THOUGH WOMEN COULD NOT VOTE IN IT'S FAVOR! They had to convince men to vote to pass it! Guys, that is inspirational, because we as gun owners are by comparison absolutley pathetic (the truth hurts, doesn't it). There are eighty million gun owners (all of whom CAN vote if they simply choose to register and do so), and we can only get 3 million NRA members. For shame....Anyway, we need to focus in inclusiveness and embracing all different types to our causes, of all races, both genders - anyone who beleives self-defense and defense of country are natural and/or important rights. ERFN ("enough rant for now").

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 27, 1999).]
Dennis: We're probably more "Tell it like it is" than the newspapers, too... ;)


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
"Eschew deceased equine flagellation" - I agree with the body of posters who think we've beat this dead horse to death and kick a bag of bufalo flatulence only stinks the place up). Picking on Rosie for what ever reason (fun though it may be) isn't getting us anywhere. So let's close this thread and open one dedicated to developing some ideas on how we can win some hearts and minds -

I think we need to keep it simple and on message, but we need to craft that message as we target the undecided. Jeff Thomas has another thread on the words we need to embrace and proliferate, e.g. civil rights, self-defense, gun bigot, etc. We need to make people aware the relying on the police is unrealistic (for all the reason we all know), and we need to let them know that HCI/VPC/the government/DNC et al, lie. It is said that the truth shall make you free, now we must figure out to how to replace their misleading emothion BS, replacit with our own, and get the truth out, make this a living issue that the sheeple can recognize and deal with.

Rob gave this a pretty good lick last spring with the Firearms Owner's mainfesto, maybe it's time to hit it another lick. Everytime you fail, you get closer to what works, let's turn teh crank again, I'll lead with MIKE'S GAUNTLET - M2
You guys talking about Rosie's Navel?!!?

Icky... :(

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called: