Oh. Lordy, I bought a plastic gun (Kahr P-9)

Mike in VA

New member
I took my wife to get her hairs done Saturday, and her hairdresser (who shoots ISPC) suggested I go over to the local range and entertain myslelf while I waited. Not needing to be told twice (I had my SIG 228 in the ride), I went on over. After a fun hour or so (about 200 rounds later), I headed back, but saw a new gun store I was unfamiliar with. I went in and looked around and came across a Kahr P-9. I had the occasion to handle ArmySon's K40 a couple weeks ago, liked it a lot (but for the weight), so I asked to see it and really liked it. It felt very good in hand, though it is a tad small for my big paws, but the trigger was sweet, it's very trim, and I couldn't put it down. So it came home with me. Hopefully, I got one made after they figured out the slide stop thing. I hope this will be a good replacement for those times when I take my 232. I wonder if Ashley makes sights for it? Now I've got to figure out how to get my wife to 'give' it to me for Valentine's Day:).
Mike in VA - good choice. I bought a P9 six months ago and ever since Mike Benedict made me a great little paddle holster, it has been my most carried pistol. Unlike some on this forum, I have had zero problems with mine. And yes, Ashley does make express sights for it.
Hey Mike, I shot the P-9 at the range last week.
I was VERY impressed with the trigger and the accuracy!
No shame here, it seems to be a good gun.
Yes. wife looked great (as usual). Haven't had a chance to test fire the new toy yet, but I learned some new words trying to figure out the take-down. The picture in the manual is a bit misleading as to which notch to line up, but had common sense prevailed, I'da figured irt out sooner. It's clumsy to be fighting the recoil spring while trying to line up the little notch and dislodge the slide stop. Not too bad once you do it a time or three. I like to clean and inspect a new piece before it's first trip to the range, so that's done, now hurry Saturday. M2
I like mine too. Just a bit of a head scratcher on where to put my fingers. Too high and I engage the slide stop prematurely. Too low and I hit the mag release by accident. Good little shooter though and feels much better with a Hogue Handall Jr.

There is a trick to taking down Kahrs. Until you learn it, it seems to take three hands.

1) Remove magazine and check that the chamber is empty.
2) repeat step 1.
3) is it really empty?
4) put your left thumb through the trigger guard and wrap the fingers of your left hand over the slide.
5) You can now hold the gun entirely with your left hand and also retract the slide to the appropriate position. Hold it there.
6) Keeping the slide retracted at the right position, turn the gun over so you can see the other side.
7) Using the handle of a plastic screwdriver, tap out the extension of the slide stop.
8) Turn the gun owner, pull the slide stop out from the other side.
9) Release the slide. Pull the trigger, and remove the slide assembly.

Give it a try.


Be sure to let us know how the pistol works. My P9 is back at the factory now - for the SECOND time - because the slide was still locking back prematurely after they "fixed" it the first time it was returned. :(

So far, KAHR has been good about taking the pistol back for repair, even paying for return shipping. Now, if they only fix it RIGHT this time . . . I'd much rather have a working pistol than one the company keeps taking back for repairs, even if they pay all the costs.
Thx, M1911

What I finally figured out was not to look at the picture in the manual,which had the slide stop notch (square) aligned with the axis (left end, hold the pistol with the muzzle to the left) of the slide stop. The notch to line up is the little circular one with the right end of the slide stop like a 1911. It's still hard to hold and tap out (easier with practice), but a clumsy procedure, none the less. Baby is now cleaned, lubed with MiliTec-1, and ready to go to the range for break-in. Thx for your assistane. M2
There are 2 modifications that have been made to work out the bugs in the P9.

1. The slide release lever should, when removed, rotate
freely on it's axis. If it is fixed, then it is the
wrong release and should be replaced.

2. The plastic cover plate on the slide stop spring
should have a screw going through the center of it.
Older versions, did not have this screw and are prone
to break off. Losing this tab/plate will cause the
spring to become loose during firing and will either
cause premature lock back or failure to lock. If you
do not have this tab/plate or the screw - then your P9
may malfunction in the future or is the current reason
for your problems. Unless they find a way to make the
tab sturdier, you will need a screw to prevent it from
breaking off. Removal of the slide stop lever can
easily rub against and weaken the tab to the point
where it breaks off.

Also, the slide stop should not come out easily when you disassemble the P9. Using a punch or some other small blunted object with light pressure will help get the process started.


My P9 had the rotating slide stop lever you describe when purchased. When it came back from the factory the 1st time, Kahr had added the screw modification you describe.

The slide was still locking back prematurely, so something else was going on. Should get it back soon after the second trip to the factory - I'll see what else they do.
Mine had the rotating slide stop but not the screw on the slide stop spring plate. It locked the slide back constantly. Sent it back to factory. Had to spend more time getting them to pay frieght both ways but they did. Got it back and have put 100 rounds or less through it. I have the screw and the rotating slide stop. I had two failures. both times the slide locked up because the slide stop had come partially out of the frame (just a little). It took me a while to figure it out.

I don't know how seriously to take this at the moment as I was loading empty fired cases in with live rounds to try to fix my flinching. It may have been the empties feeding into the gun that knocked out the slide stop. I did discover that if you want to cycle empty brass make sure it's not from you glock. I had to bang the slide open after feeding some brass that must have come from the glock I was shooting too. If feed in but refused to come out and locked up the slide. Loose chambers in glocks I guess.

I'm still undecided on the Kahr p9. I wish I bought a mini glock.
