Oh look, they seized another "arsenal"...


What the news is calling it, anyway. One of the supporters of the threatening tax cheat Ed Brown, who yes, SHOULD have been arrested because he had pipe bombs. But at his arrest in Texas, they called this an "arsenal".


I call it a very limited and modest collection of late-model budget stuff. :)
Cool arsenal.

One entry found for arsenal.
Main Entry: ar·se·nal
Pronunciation: 'ärs-n&l, 'är-s&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian arsenale, ultimately from Arabic dAr sinA'a house of manufacture
1 a : an establishment for the manufacture or storage of arms and military equipment b : a collection of weapons
2 : STORE, REPERTOIRE <the team's arsenal of veteran players>

WildihaveanicearsenalAlaska TM
Here, they auction them, apparently usually to gun shops! :)

Several times I've gone in my favorite store, and half of the evidence tag is still on the new acquisitions before they're priced, stuff about being seized, felon in possession, etc, etc. Everything from decent guns to crappy NEF single-shots.
They sell them here in lots to the gun shop which turns them over without even cleaning them up. Got a nice Remington 541-T with Leupold scope that way. Wish I knew the backstory.
They sell them here in lots to the gun shop which turns them over without even cleaning them up. Got a nice Remington 541-T with Leupold scope that way. Wish I knew the backstory.

I asked an officer in the store once about that. They said that actual crime guns get held for evidence and appeals, so anything you buy from a store like that likely has no history to it. That it's usually just that someone either is arrested/convicted on domestic violence or violates a restraining order, and as a result of "a felon can't have guns", his guns are taken out of closets, safes and the like.
I have to wonder...

Are any of those weapons illegal in and of themselves? Any non-registered or illegally converted NFA class weapons or such?

What was the grounds for siezure? Were threats made? There has to be some reason for a siezure. Being a 'supporter' of a tax cheat doesn't qualify for reasonable cause alone.
The guy had pipe bombs. That's definitely illegal.

And no, none of those are illegal. But if you do one thing extremely illegal like have pipe bombs, they tend to take your guns too.