(OH) 4/21 Tusco Plateshoot: After Action Report


Moderator Emeritus
It was a little muddy, but we had a great turnout. ChristopherII, Caliban and Ceol Mhor journeyed in from Indiana; Falconer and Coronach came up from Columbus; Hksigwalther from Belpre; and 3 Gun and me from NE Ohio. I heard rumors that Plateshooter was there, but I never actually saw him.

OK, guys... What was the best part?

My vote goes to 3 Gun and Ceol Mhor going head-to-head, John Woo style! :cool:

Overheard behind the firing line:

"Did Mark just throw his empty Makarov on the ground?"
"Don't worry, he's got another."

"Neither of them can hit anything with their left hand."
"Uh, dude; Ian is left-handed." :o

In all seriousness, it was a pleasure meeting all of you today. The men from Purdue are a class act, and it was great to finally meet Coronach too. Ron V. was kind enough to take some pictures before we left. Hopefully he will be posting them here soon. ( We missed you at supper, man! :) )
That was definately a fun shoot. Although, if I were Coronach, I would double check to make sure Coel Mhor didn't run off with his Sistema.
The best part? Aside from clearing out the Shoney's buffet after the shoot? :D

Where to begin? Exploding targets, full-auto M14s, Ceol Mhor finally meeting not one, but two other Daewoo owners (his was the nicest...), Coronach trying to feed a compact magazine into my full-size CZ-75, the shotgun-to-pistol transition stage (the Mak wasn't the only thing that hit the ground!), Caliban shooting the rifle plates with his USP, and of course, that damned piece of steel that turned edgewise and wouldn't go down for love nor money. I spent a magazine and a half on that damn thing, trying to get it to fall!

Great range, great people to shoot with. It was great to finally meet some of the TFLers and match names and faces (and guns!) We have got to make this a regular event.

- Chris
The last thing you need in the middle of a "gun fight" is your hands on an empty gun. Doing the True Woo and shooting at a different plate with each hand was not effective. Sad thing, even shooting at the plates with one Mak at a time wasn't all that effective, "dink, dink, dink." Bring enough gun. Of course with the mud coating and the base in a sticky mud bog a couple of plates took two hits from the shotgun to fall.

It was a great turn out in general and from the TFL'ers. Sorry we couldn't do something about the weather. Sorry some of the guys left before the photo op. Tusco is a great range and it's hard to improve on a day there but with the strong TFL turn out we did. Great meeting everyone and I hope we can do it again soon.
Nukem, next time you need to walk over and introduce yourself. I've been going to Tusco for a year now with Mark and I still have no clue who you are.
I'm a member there, but I run in a very small circle of friends :) I usually shoot an HK91 or a 7.62X39 AR on the steel. Just ask Mark or Tom or watch for the starburst.
Sorry I couldn't hang out with you guys more. Had a few newer shooters with me to watch over for safety reasons. My mom wouldn't like it if anything happened to my sister. I'll post what pics I have later today. Didn't get out of Tusco until around 6:00. (We got there ~10:30, IIRC.)
Yeah, it was a great time. I got to play around with several guns I'd never fired before...a No.5 Enfield carbine, a Ruger P90, a trench shotugn, and best of all, Coronach's Sistema 1911. I've got one ordered but it hasn't come in yet, and it was great to get a feel for what I'll be getting. Thanks, Mike!
I definately think that a good time was had by all.
It was really cool meeting other TFL'ers and being able to put a face with an onscreen alias.
Gotta second that sentiment from Nukem.
All I remember was hearing the background chatter of gunfire, and suddenly 'whoomp...boom!' Looking up, and seeing lots of smoke.

Actually doing the plateshooting was a lot of fun, but it was just as much fun watching everyone else.

One of my favorite moments had to be when I looked over to see Ceol Mohr extolling the virtues of the Daewoo to a rather large (at least 10 people) group of onlookers. Takin' it to the masses, as it were.

Oh, and I think that was me who made the comment about Mark and his...um...interesting way of reloading the Makarov. :)

One of the other high points had to be the guy with the gun chambered in .50 Beowulf. Talk about a huge round!

All in all, the whole event was a blast, and capping it off with dinner at Shoney's was good, too. It's a lot easier to have a conversation without having to talk over the noise of booming ordnance and falling steel.

Best weekend I've had in quite some time. :D :D
Caliban, of course you maybe had too much fun this weekend. Especially Saturday night.

I, too, found it rather funny to watch Coel preaching the virtues of the Daewoo.

The only real bummer was the fact that they had the pistol shoot on the same range as the rifle, it goes soooooooo much faster when the pistol is on the next range over.

I wonder how hard it would be to make some steel plates and set something up similar to what they were doing Sunday. Maybe do this for a TFL shoot not at Tusco.
In the group pic, I think someone mentioned Ian wasn't present as he was down range. (Also, some people had already left before the pic.)

Since I do not know everybody's name I'll let them point themselves out in the group pic. As for me and the people I brought (non-TFLers). I'm second from the right in the German surplus coat/slung Garand. Behind to my left is Scott (first on the right) who is the brother-in-law to Eric (to my right, third from the right). The person taking the pic was my sister Christy.

Photo 1; Mark (3 gun) and Dave (TheBluesMan) face-off on the pistol plates. By this point in the day the plates were so covered in mud, hits from Daves .38s or my 1oz 12ga target loads, wouldn't knock down the plate every time.

Photo 2; Mark (3 gun) is the forth person in from the right side of the photo. Tom (Falconer) is in front with the red OSU shirt. Ron (hksigwalther) to his left. Dave (TheBluesMan) is far left. I believe that is Mike (Coronach) over Dave's left shoulder. I'm not sure of the TFL name to real name match on the rest.

Photo 3; I think is Ceol Mhor (Ian?) resetting the rifle plates.

Photo 4: True Woo. Ceol Mhor with twin 45s shooting against 3 gun with Bulgarian Maks.

Photo 5; Tom (Falconer) faces off against ? (a little help here)

Thanks for the photos Ron. Hope that Scott, Eric and Christy had as much fun as we did, and that they will be back.
I think that is ChristopherII and Falconer in photo 5.

Here is the motley crew all together with names.

Thanks for taking and posting the pictures, Ron. Have your pals join up with TFL and I'll add their screen names to the shot! :)

Tom - I resisted the urge to do some creative photoshopping on your sweatshirt... I was going to have you on the synchronized swimming team instead of the pistol team. :D
So Chris, how's your muzzle control coming along? Sure wouldn't want to be in Justin's spot in that photo. Or anywhere in the vicinity of your right foot, either. ;)
Further Proof that I am an idiot

Wow. Falconer just told me about this thread. I was wondering then someone was gonna post those photos. :D

Ceol, you're welcome.

And thanks to 3gun for standing buy while I undid my weeks-prior 'adjustment' to my AR's sights. :D
