OGCA south

3 gun

New member
The first OGCA meeting of the year will be at the Roberts Centre this weekend. If I can shake the flu bug I plan on going on Saturday. Any other TFL members planing on being there? If I can make it I'll have at least two guest passes available. Post a note or drop me an e-mail and we'll see what we can work out.
Thanks Joe. I was actually thinking about the next show at the IX. I've been traveling way too much lately and a lot of funds had to redirected from guns/ammo to gasoline so I won't be going to the Roberts Center Show.

I have heard through the grapevine that there will be NO MORE gun shows at the I-X center. Political reasons. :rolleyes: The city of Cleveland has purchaced the I-X center from the city of Brookpark for supposed airport runway expansion. Cleveland isn't as gun-friendly as Brookpark. Even though there has NEVER been any illegal activity, increased crime, crime guns traced back to the OGCA shows, etc., Cleveland doesn't want to appear to support the Gun Culture. The County Commisioners are still peeved that Dick Walters won his lawsuit against the ban on gun shows at the Berea (County-owned) fairgrounds. I know OGCA is looking for other venues that are large enough to hold their shows.

As of the last newsletter I got, this info is correct. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!) I hope the new City of Cleveland administration will come to their senses, but I doubt that will happen.
Well aware of Cleveland's deal with Brookpark for the IX Center to build another runway (for international flights, IIRC). I guess I should have said next Northern Ohio meeting/show.
It's now true. No more OGCA shows at the IX Center. New site has been named and is on the OhioTFL calendar. If you are from Ohio and didn't know this or about the calendar, check the thread in General, Ohio role call and sign up!