Officially published, and a future shooter joins the world!!!


New member
Hey all,

If any of my fellow forum members get the monthly publication "American Gunsmith", then you will see my first ever article published in the latest issue. Titled "Custom Action Wrench". I am pretty stoked! Wrote that as the first of three articles submitted to the magazine on a whim. Had a few days off from work for a long holiday weekend, thinking, "What the heck... What do I have to lose?".

Fast forward to this past Thursday, I get an email from the editor-in-chief saying my article went live! Talk about a boost to the ego!

Also, my first child was born over the weekend! Saturday, the 16th at 7:30pm. Bouncing Baby Girl, both her and her mother are in great spirits, and healthy as ever. I couldn't be happier!
Best work you will ever do !!

Also, my first child was born over the weekend! Saturday, the 16th at 7:30pm. Bouncing Baby Girl, both her and her mother are in great spirits, and healthy as ever. I couldn't be happier!

Best work that you will ever do !!!! :)

Congratulations and;
Be Safe!!!
Congrats on two awesome milestones! While I've not been published besides local letters to the editors :D, I just had my first grandchild 2 weeks ago. That I can relate with!
Don't be afraid to teach that daughter anything you'd teach a son. My daughter is grown now but she still loves fishing and shooting...

I'd like to take credit for how good of a shot she is but the truth is, all I taught her was safe gun handling and how to line up the sights.

Thank you to all for the well wishes. American Gunsmith is a print only publication as far as I can tell. The article the published was on a custom action wrench for a Mauser 98. Listed and detailed the steps I took to come up with the geometries and how I used open source blue prints and common knowledge information to get the basics. Then made the wrench for my use. All from scrap, so the environmentalists would get a kick out of it. Stuff headed for the scrap heap given new life.

I also have two other articles in their queue. Typing another one up as we speak.

As for teaching her the things I'd teach a boy, thank you and I planned on it. Told my wife I need to go get her a .22 to call her own, thinking a 10/22. My parents came down to see their granddaughter this week. They got into town yesterday afternoon, and are just elated about the baby. My mother had three boys, and married to my father, so correction. She had four boys. House full of mayhem. Having a girl to fawn over, I can't peel her out of my mother's arms. Pretty sure she needs a 1911 of her own, too. :p Will have to set up a little piggy bank to get her started.
I started my daughter and grand daughter both out with single shot .22's... When my daughter was young there were no single shot .22's on the market that I could find anyway so I found her an old German parlor rifle and had it reamed for .22 short.

For my grand daughter, I bought her a pink Cricket before she was 6 months old and waited what seemed like forever to give it to her.

The plan was to give me daughter a Glock 19 For Christmas when she was 10 (she's a tall girl) but that happened to be in 1994. Needless to say Glocks suddenly became out of reach so I gave her a Russian Mak in .380 ACP. Those are now rare so it all worked out.

This is heroic! I have my officer’s model that might be hers in the future. Gives me a reason to get another one. Was at LGS today and they had a Rapide Black Ice by Kimber in 45 ACP. Drool worthy!!!!
I made the mistake of letting my daughter try my M1911 when she wasn't ready for it. The first shot startled her and I asked her if she wanted to try it again. She fired one more round and said no more. Whenever she told the story, the recoil get worse and later on she added a fireball to the story. She was happy with 9's nut not the .45.

When she was 12 I told her if she tried the M1911 one more time and didn't like it, I'd never mention it again. She fired 400 rounds out of it that day and has been in love with it ever since. Those were cast 230 RN loads so not so hot. A year later I offered to let her shoot some 130g hardball loads that were near a max load. She put one in the top of the mag, looked at me with a very serious face and said "if I like this you had better have more."

Many years later I let her borrow that gun to go shooting with her at the time Marine boyfriend and his buddies. She embarrassed them so much that they never would shoot with her again. One time the former boyfriend admitted that she was a better shot than him and all his buddies...

She's still a better handgun shot than me but I'm a little better with a rifle but if she practiced more, I couldn't make that claim...

Reminds me

I need to get my bride out to the range, I've not been humiliated in a while.

She is a natural, tears the middle out of targets better than I.
Congratulations. Being published is quite an ego boost. My first was over thirty years ago and I've another coming out later this year.