Officer Involved Shooting

Rob Pincus

New member
I thought I was going into town tonight to meet some detective pals for dinner but when I got to the Murder Squad office there was a call.

Tonight in Nashville two officers shot and killed a suspect who had been ramming his wifes car across a parking lot and then attemted to run ovcer the officers with his vehicle.

After smashing one patrol car and punching the first officer to reach him, Officer's one and two fired on the suspect as he tried to run through officer two and into his wife's vehicle, where a third officer was trying to help a child from the smashed car.

The suspect was hit at least 7 times and the officers fired 13 shots together. As far as we could tell every bullet fired struck the vehicle the suspect was in. One officer fired from the side of the vehicle at less than 5 feet, the other officer fired from the fron tof the vehicle at a ranges between 2 and 10 feet from the front bumper.
These were both veteran officers who performed there duty very well.

The guy had a history of Domestic Violence and had been taped several times threatening her life and the life of their child. he had been arrested a few times before and I believe there was a restraining order on him. He had chased her for several miles before the final confrontation.

At the same time that I was drawing chalk circles and numbers in the parking lot to represent where witnesses were standing (Detectives nightmare, a movie had just let out and dozens of people were "witnesses"), another less superb officer had an AD with his shotgun into the ground and sprayed fragments of lead and concrete all over his partner and a robbery victim. They both recieved minor abrasions, but just wait until the lawyers and press get a hold of it.

I finally got a cheeseburger four hours later.

The shooting happened in front of a Burger King, so the best thing I can say about the burger was that it was free.

As ugly as that seen was, I could think of no better ending.
A father trying to kill his wife and CHILD!?!

Well, maybe I could think of a better - had the officers shot the subject in both knees, and both elbos... waited a few minutes so the creep suffers some... then kill him.

Indeed I would have been maybe a tad aggressive in that situation - I hope I dont get into one like it when I get back into LE work - I am going to apply for a Police Officer position in Alaska.

I hear the hunting up there is the best on Earth... and crime is pretty dang low! :)

Kenetic Defence Institute
The mother and Child were A-OK. The suspect had a history of arrest for domestic violence and petty crimes. In fact, while we were sitting in the BK the news report came on TV and used one of his mug shots in their live report.
When we got back to the office the mother in law had brought over a tape from an answering machine which was full of Eubonics and Expletives and went on for almost 3 minutes about how he was going to kill her, blow up the car, rape her, beat her, etc, etc.

Of course, the officers were in fear for their lives and that is why they shot.

BTW- They were 100% cooperative with all the detectives on the scene, but did not give statements on tape or fill out any reports until after they had talked to the FOP lawyer.

Good move. I'm glad to see they kept their thinking caps on after the fact. I'm sure by the time it gets to a court somewhere, they'll have been accused of brutality, improper conduct, and god knows what else.
Not to mention the cost to the muni of the rounds discharged :)
Thank God that the mother and child are alright,I feel sorry for the child being witness to all that. How old was the child?
Kids at that age are very resilient. If all goes well he/she (??) may be able to grow up with no after effects except the fortunate one of not having to grow up with that father around. If the kid is fortunate momma will find a better partner in the future to make up a functional family unit. Unfortunately that is not assured since people tend to make the same mistakes over and over and over.
Well, this is the stuff that keeps me employed.

Jim in IN
