offensive mexican postage stamp part 2

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i didnt make this up, it was on the national evening news!

heres a synopsis... - "Mexico's government insisted Thursday that a black cartoon character with exaggerated features is a historical icon who deserves to be celebrated on a postage stamp — and that U.S. leaders charging racism do not fully understand Mexican culture.

The country's postal service this week released a series of five stamps depicting "Memin Pinguin," a child's character from a comic book started in the 1945 that is still published in Mexico.

In Washington, the White House objected, saying that "racial stereotypes are offensive no matter what their origin." The Rev. Jesse Jackson branded the stamp "an insult" and asked Mexico to withdraw it from the market."

keep in mind that the stamp was approved by the mexican government. again, imagine the uproar from mexico if the U.S.P.S. put out a stamp depicting a mexican crossing the river. the protest wouldnt just be south of the border, LULAC would be all over it. speaking of LULAC why arent they screaming about the injustice of this? because its blacks who are being offended. LULAC is no better than the KKK, both are racist organizations.
Links to story.,2933,161055,00.html

Stamps themselves:
OK, now we're getting somewhere.
I'm gonna try to do this very carefully:
Is it in poor taste? Probably. But, as pointed out, Speedy Gonzales is a favored cartoon in this nation. I never took him (or Pancho from The Cisco Kid) to be a racial slur. Was Al Jolson a racist? I suspect not, considering he was a Jew. OTOH, was Hogans Hero's a personal affront to Brother Marko? It was satire and caricature. Hardly classic, but hardly hate mongering.

To make it a bit more personal, I've no problem with the Sopranos, Mambo Italiano, the characters in spaghetti westerns, the characters played opposite Robert Stack in The Untouchables or Topo Gigio, the "Little Italian Mouse" featured on Ed Sullivan for years.

And I'd have no problem with US Stamps with any of those characters on them.

Is it a matter for international outrage? Only if you're looking to be outraged because you dislike Mexico or need to demonstrate your own group's personal "oppression". It may be politically incorrect; but I'm not willing to nominate TFL for the Political Correct Actions Police.

Get over it.
"Get over it may be politically incorrect; but I'm not willing to nominate TFL for the Political Correct Actions Police"

thats all well and good, but once when i used the term "wetbacks" i was raked over the coals. whats the difference?
9mmsnoopy said:
when i used the term "wetbacks" i was raked over the coals. whats the difference?
Ummmm.....just guessing here.
Because you used it in an intentionally PEJORATIVE manner?
Are you on a crusade?
Was Al Jolson a racist? I suspect not, considering he was a Jew.
Are you saying that Jews are somehow immune to racist tendancies.

If so, with all due respect, that is one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read
Is it a matter for international outrage? Only if you're looking to be outraged because you dislike Mexico or need to demonstrate your own group's personal "oppression"
That however is one of the most on point comments I have read
Are you saying that Jews are somehow immune to racist tendancies.
Nope. I'm saying that Jews in New York in the early twentieth century were among the most persecuted and misunderstood immigrants this nation has ever seen. It's based on THAT that I "suspect" Asa Yoelson was hardly a racist.
Jewish entertainers also put on blackface for another reason. According to Ronald Sanders, both groups felt a deep woe, had suffered at the hands of oppressors, and lived close to their pain. Many of the new songs hailed the brighter day and the aggressiveness necessary to live in the new land, but the singers invested blackface with a plaintive note, which kept them in touch with their past though with the pain once removed, hidden behind a black face.
- Lewis A. Erenberg, Steppin' Out: New York Nightlife and the Transformation of American Culture 1890-1930 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991), p. 195.
Don't worry, Kevin... the white christian male is already starting to feel what racism and discrimination is all about.
i never said that I was offended by the stamps. if i were a black man, im sure i wouldnt find them to be very amusing.

how is "wetback" offensive anyhow? theres nothing racial about it, its a generic term to describe a CRIMINAL that snuck into the country. there are plenty of racial type derogatory terms used to decribe latinos, youve never seen me use any of them. im not anti hispanic nor anti mexican, i am against people illegally entering the country.

if "wetback" is offensive then white people should be offended by "gringo"
You ARE on a crusade, aren't you? :rolleyes:
Wanna call me a WOP? After all, it has simple historic underpinnings, "With Out Papers"....or the more popular "sound of feces hitting the wall". I promise to take it as a joke, coming from you.....NOT.

What on earth IS your point, son? That I don't appreciate mean spirited racial epithets thrown around in my house, while I'm willing to discriminate between that and a non-PC stamp with no apparent animus except in the minds of those who choose to find it?
I saw those stamps and thought of my Gramdma's note pad holder.

It was a large black woman with red bandana and holding a broom (the broom handle was where the pencil went). It was from the 20's or 30's I guess.

Come on folks, what happened to FREE SPEECH. It never said it had to be in good taste.
Thanks Rich. I always wondered about the meaning of "WOP" - and it's origins.

I have a polish buddy who jokes around with me, and me back at him.

WOP is sometimes thrown around but I take no offense because I do know he's joking. Realistically I probably couldn't have gotten upset before now because I really wouldn't have understood what it was I was being called. Pretty silly :o
a crusade? are the minutemen on a crusade? are you against them too Rich?

i dont like illegal immigrants. is that so bad?
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