Off to Canada...

In a little over 24 hours, Highpower1 and myself will be flying out of Atlanta and into Buffalo, NY. From there, we'll be driving on up into Canada on our first ever black bear hunt, near Danford Lake, QC.

This will be a trip of many firsts for us. First trip out of the US, first guided trip, first hunt for an animal that can hunt back, (which I'm not too overly concerned about), first sight of Niagra falls, etc... Not bad for a couple of 26 and 27 year olds, eh? :D (trying to get that Canadian accent down, but it's hard when you've spoken redneck, fluently, all of your life ;))

We'll be staying up there from May 21st until May 28th, in a this cabin,
. Which will be in front of a lake that's just begging to be fished!

We hope to have a safe and successful trip, and we're looking forward to the sharing of our stories AND photos upon our arrival back.

Until then, all the best.

Good luck on the hunt! Sounds like a great time. Looking forward to the photos, but please, not too many fish stories about the big one that got away ;)
As for the accent, you should have rented the Bob and Doug McKenzie movie, Strange Brew, its a beauty, eh! :)
I lived in northern Minnesota for a couple of years, (moved up there from Nebraska) and I used to catch a lot of guff about my SOUTHERN accent. Then when I moved back to NE, I got it about the accent I acquired up there.