Off season lease work.......advice......


New member
Roads and ditches have to be kept up off season and last Sunday was a day for it.

Was down in a ditch with the chainsaw clearing a blowdown when this thought occurred to me, sadly a little to late.

So here is the advice:

If a wasp is stinging you on the neck while you are running a chainsaw, just ignore him.

Ignore him because if you do not you will end up using not just the tape in the first aid box but also a whole roll of camo barrel tape before the bleeding gets brought under control.

And NO, I am not going to post pictures!
i'm sorry you got hurt. i've seen a couple guys hurt with chainsaws; its very gruesome. Years ago i started wearing chainsaw pants.
Only been cut once that required neither stitches or staples. Came to a instant realization at that event. If I wanted to play lumberjack in my spare time. I had better learn and do what the professional timber men use for saw safety equipment. Haven't fired up my saws since without my safety pants, helmet, and hearing muffs on. Best investments I ever made to protect myself while in those dearly beloved woods of mine.~~ Well almost. ~~that Series 70 Colt 1911 Cup I bought years ago for C/C. That too helps also in the human jungle I seem to spend way to much of my time in. Either scenario? (It's not rocket science just good common sense to do.)

bswiv: It sounds as though one of them little woodsy fellers (almost) got the best of you. >But not quite! Thank, Goodness_;)