
I suspect one of two possibilities:

1 - A scam to get someone to send them some money for no gun;
2 - someone inherited some guns, has no idea what they have, and looked up Beretta and saw the Onyx or similar and thought they were the same

In either case, I would be calling the seller to feel them out
I would say scam. That same text is on gunbroker. As are the photos, however the photos have been cropped on Armslist.

Usually when I am in doubt about something, I take the first line of their text or other line and run a google search. If they copied it from another site, Google will find it.

This is the gunbroker listing I think it was copied from. What say you all ?


same thing with this auction by the same lister, once again the photos appear to be cropped to remove the gunbroker text inserted on them


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I contacted the seller on Gunbroker where it was copied from. He said definitely scam. He gave me his number to contact him and he said he will share what he knows. I will let you all know what he says.

Both of those listings have now been deactivated by the seller..........................
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I ran into a similar situation a couple years ago on Auction Arms.com. Same gun, two listings, one was $1,000 cheaper than the other.
The actual owner was very upset when I told him somebody was also trying to sell his O/U.
It's hard to tell from the pics; but, to my eye, it look like there's a ding (saddle) in the rib just behind the front sight. The seller says there are pics of the blemishes and shows us a close up of the business end.
It's hard to tell from the pics; but, to my eye, it look like there's a ding (saddle) in the rib just behind the front sight. The seller says there are pics of the blemishes and shows us a close up of the business end.

are you talking about the pictures in the scam listing or the pictures in the real listing on gunbroker ?

there is a ding in the vent rib that can be seen in the picture of the muzzle end. the listing on gunbroker is very carefully showing the dings and gotchas on the gun and that is why that view was chosen (In my opinion) a sideways shot wouldn't have shown the dent in VR as well as the angular picture shot does.

a wedge used correctly can lift that ding out.

I have a ding in a steel VR on a gun I am restoring that I will need to carefully move metal with a block of steel and a flat faced punch
The pic in the first post's link. It may be an easy fix, but the seller may not want to mess with it.