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Odd situation?

I just noticed that at 11:43 p.m. on Sunday I replied to a thread by Pistol Packer in the revolver forum.

Just a few minutes ago I noticed that the thread, on the thread view page, is still showing 0 replies, and having Pistol Packer as the only poster.

Don't know whether this is something that needs to be brought to the board's attention or not.
Are you *sure* you replied to that thread?

The only time that I've heard of such a thing happening is when someone hit the "Preview Reply" button instead of the "Submit Reply" button, then clicked "Back" a few times to get to the thread list.

If that's not a possibility, we appreciate the tip and will keep our eyes open for another occurrence.

Thanks Mike. :)

Your usually well worded explanations was somewhat lacking in your first post, Mike. I also thought you meant your reply had not been added to the thread.

I've seen the reply counter not register a reply before. It is a program bug and has been reported to vB as I recall. The counter will be corrected on the next re-indexing of the db.
"Your usually well worded explanations was somewhat lacking"

Gee, at 2:52 a.m. what do you expect, Mal? :D

Ok, seriously, you're correct, it wasn't a good explanation of what was happening, my fault for that.

I just thought it was really wierd, as I had never seen nor heard of it before.

Next time I'll wait until noon to post, and hope that I'm more lucid, although God knows that's no guarantee. :)
I almost added a comment to my first post to the effect - "but that's ok, after all it was in the oui hours of the morning!" I also thought I had added a smiley, but was surprised to see I hadn't when I came back this time. So here: :D

One other point on the reply counter - it happens more often than you might think. It's only obvious when the reply count is 0 or 1. Otherwise it's just a number and most folks don't pay attention to it. I noticed it, like you, when my reply was the only one and the count was still 0.

On the other hand, if you are counting posts in the various threads and comparing them to the counter... Well, to quote a very keen observer around here, "Get a life!"

And before I forget this time: :D.
What's in a name?
That which we call a smilie by any other name still looks as silly.
So a "grinnie" would, were it not a grinnie called.

[With sincere apologies to Juliet.]
But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Smilie is the sun!

(Note to self: revisit Act 2 scene 2 rows 1-2. Currently sounds like lame joke. Bill)
A rose by any other name.........O'Donnel excepted.:barf:

I have also noticed that which was bothering Mr. Irwin. Well, some of what was bothering Mr. Irwin.

Sam....Oh bother said Pooh when he spilled the primers.....again.
Oh bother said Pooh, as he reloaded...