Odd Ruger??


New member
About a week or so ago a buddy and I were in the local gun shop. We noticed that they had just received a gun shipment and were placing some Ruger pistols out in the cases. My buddy saw a SP-101 38 with a 3" barrel. He began to drool and put it on lay-a-way on the spot. As we were leaving a customer from the store walked up and asked my buddy if he would re-consider purchasing the gun and allow him to purchase the gun from the shop. He offered $100.00 if my buddy would go inside and void the sale. This was very odd and after a few minutes of conversation, the guy finally told us that Ruger only made a few hundered of the SP-101 38's with a 3.2" barrel each year. He stated that he had been trying for 10 months to find one. My buddy respectfully declined and we went on our way. This is the strangest thing I have ever heard. Can any of you confirm that this pistol has a limited run. Thanks

[This message has been edited by FireForged (edited January 03, 2000).]
Ruger made a short run of 3" SP-101 revolvers several years ago. Whether they continue to produce a few more now and then, I don't know. The bottom line is that, if you see one and want it, buy it because there may not be others around for a long time. Many manufacturers make short runs of various models. The practice is not unusual.