odd question


New member
this is just a hypothetical. when you carry your weapon with your ccw, it has to be just that...concealed. what about spare magazines or speedloaders? a magazine isn't a weapon. if you are not carrying a weapon, is there anything that will stop you from carrying mags on your belt in the open?
"If you are not carrying a weapon, is there anything that will stop you from carrying mags on your belt in the open?"
I can't imagine why you'd want to unless, for example, you had disarmed and locked your weapon in the car to avoid carrying into a restricted place and just didn't feel energetic enough to remove the mag. IMO, concealed means concealed, that would include ammunition. I conceal everything.

I'm with U.F.O. on this one. Since you have your weapon concealed, you don't want to bring attention to yourself that you may have a weapon by carrying the mags/speed loaders in the open.

If I have my .45, it is as much concealed as I can make it. Same goes for the ammo.

In today's criminal world, . . . some are very sophisticated, and if he/she were to do something: if they knew you were armed, you are victim numero uno.

Yes, . . . that is a lot of "maybe's and what iff's", . . . but that is just the scenario Mr. Wilson faced a couple weeks back in Texas. Bg with an AK, an attitude, and kevlar.

Since you never know what or when you will face something requiring ccw, never give out your hand ahead of time.

May God bless,
as far as legalities go, yes, you can carry speedloaders or mags in the open. as far as practicality goes however, i agree with everyone else. the only reason for anyone to know im armed is if i have my gun pointed at them.
i agree with you guys also. i was just curious about it and wanted ti see what your opinions were. thanks for the answers.