In a small town nearby, neighbors heard some gunshots...a woman noticed a bullet hole in her house. They call the cops. Police arrest a neighborhood man and book him on felonious discharge of a firearm within the city limits. No people, or threats, or animal abuse was involved...the guy shot off a few rounds.
Now this is where it gets interesting and puzzling....apparently the guy has a large firearms collection ("dozens" as stated by a local TV reporter)....There is video of 2 BATF vans with 5 batmen loading up all the guy's guns into the vans. Other than the man's name I've recounted all the info in the TV report.
1) Why is the BATF involved?
2) How'd they get there so fast?...the field office is 220 miles away
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Now this is where it gets interesting and puzzling....apparently the guy has a large firearms collection ("dozens" as stated by a local TV reporter)....There is video of 2 BATF vans with 5 batmen loading up all the guy's guns into the vans. Other than the man's name I've recounted all the info in the TV report.
1) Why is the BATF involved?
2) How'd they get there so fast?...the field office is 220 miles away
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!