October 2nd, time to rally!


New member

As of September 4, 1999
"March for Liberty, One million and one strong ... and you're the one"

September 4, 1999 UPDATE

The location has been finalized and changed from the last update. Due
to several considerations, and prinicpally due to crowd size
expectations, the location has changed to the the Lincoln Memorial on
the Mall of Washington DC :

Location : Lincoln Memorial, on the Mall in Washington DC.
Time : 9 AM until Dark on Ocotber 2nd, 1999.
Activities :

A formal petition of grievance and redress focused on the 2nd
Amendment will be handed out at the March for all to
review and sign. A copy of this will be available on this site in the near
future. This petition will be formally delivered
to the Capitol.

Anyone desiring to do so will be able to speak for three to five minutes
regarding the issues outlined in the misison
statement. All of Congress is being invited to listen. If they so desire,
they can get in line with the rest of us and
speak too. The same holds true for any of the better known national

Steve Vaus, and one other popular patriotic singers/song writers will
perform at the March and will deliver their
message through music at the microphone.

Compatriots from all over the nation will be there. Please be sure to
meet folks and network with all of those whom
you meet who are dedicated and committed to the preservation of our
2nd amendment rights and the restoration of
our Constitutional Republic.

The entire site has been updated to reflect all of this. Be sure and print
out the Poster and the Flyer and copy them and spread them
around to gunshows, bulletin boards, friends, relatives, neighbors, barber
shops and any where else you can afford to do so.

Again, this location change is critical and needs to be communicated to
everyone you know of who is planning, or thinkin about

There are now only 4 weeks before this event. Plan on it, talk about it,
invite friends, neighbors and relatives. Spread the word for
everyone to come and support the Mission Statement of this event on
October 2nd in Washington DC.

-doc Zox

will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
to the top!

tell me some of you are going to make the effort...

Has only one person applied for the TFL stipend?

If this event is a bust i am going to donate 25 dollars to the Rosie O'donnell Chub Club


will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?