OC carriers - Heads Up


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I've carried OC (Fox 1/2 oz. unit) for a couple years, believing as I do in having a continuum of force available for response to "unpleasant (read felonious) interpersonal experiences".

Trouble is, there's no easy way to carry the stuff.
Key chain units bulge your pockets, and can accidentaly discharge in the pocket.
The cheap plastic "holsters" sold with some units are impossible to fit over a thick, properly-constructed gunbelt, and it is assumed that most folks reading this missive are CCW holders who carry a sidearm, not just OC spray alone.
I improvised a belt holster using an elastic Mini-Maglite holster, and used this for a time, but found it flimsy and not altogether secure.
I appealed to holstermaker-cum-friend Gregg Garrett for a Kydex solution, sending him a blueprint for a design I thought would work well as a combined OC holder-key holder. He did me one better by modifying the design and making it simpler. It slips onto the belt by slipping underneath, not requiring removal of the belt, and holds the OC cannister horizontally, with a keyring attached beneath, to which you may attach a lanyard or whatever you like, to hold your keys.
It's Kydex, and he will be making them soon, for about $8, he thinks (a bargain). I think it's an excellent solution for carrying OC. (It can also hold a Surefire 6Z flashlight instead of OC, if you like.)
I have ABSOLUTELY NO COMMERCIAL INTEREST IN THIS (kickbacks, royalties, etc.). I'm merely passing on information about a useful CCW item. I'll try to post a pic when I can. Anyone interested can go to www.comp-tac.com and can email Gregg from there. Tell him I sent you!
Speaking as one who had a cannister of Fox OC spray discharge in his pants ( :eek: ) I can say that I am very interested in this option.

Any pics available?

Mike.....I wanna see a picture of the expression on your face when that thing went off in your pocket. What a neat way to get rid of the crowd wearin too much cologne or perfume in a theater.

My face could best be described thus:


And then there was a mad scramble to get my pants OFF. Fortunately this happened in my house, as I was tying my shoelaces. I'm sitting there tying one shoe, then I move my leg and hear a strange *SWOOOOSH* sound and feel a dampness on my thigh...and see an orange stain spreading on my pant leg (chemical marker). If it had happened in public, I'm not sure what I would have or could have done.

Also, fortunately, the nozzle was aimed away from any, uhm, sensitive areas. :p

FWIW it was the Fox cannister with the 'safety' top. It seems that inside my pocket the safety switched off, and a few moments later I maced myself.

This also explains why I would never carry a pistol in my pocket without a holster. :D

Those "safety" spray caps aren't very safe.
I've had 'em turn to the "spray" position by themselves, too, though since I've always carried the cannister on my belt, I've never actually discharged it in error.
The Kydex carrier doesn't prevent the safety top from turning, of course, but it does put the cannister in a location and an orientation where accidental spraying is unlikely.

If a duffer with digital picture taking, and only just got a camera for my birthday from my wife, but I'll try to take and post some pix of the dingus. Best.
Thanks for the pic Mike:D I always use a pocket holster when pocket pistol packin but have been careless when packin OC spray. Have found safety off but no discharge.....quit carryin em in pocket.

Sawbones...thanks for the heads up re the OC carrier.

Go to the airtaser.com site. Look up the Royal Mounted Police test on the O.C. products. You will never carry this stuff again. It does not work on an agressive subject. You can't depend on it.

It just doesn't work 100% of the time. I have seen many an 'aggressive' subject floored by the stuff. I have also seen a handful of subjects that did not react much at all.

I have seen people dead from gunshot wounds. I've also seen people walking and talking after having been shot.

Lets not carry guns either, I guess. :rolleyes:


PS Moral: There is no 100% stopper.
It may work sometimes. But, the failure rate is way too high to seriously consider it as a weapon. It is fine if you have back up with deadly force ready. However, for the average civilian, it is a bad decision. The odds of it failing are too high and it would delay you from deploying the proper weapon in the first place.

Now that I will buy.

OC spray is an option only when nonlethal force is called for, and if you have something real to back it up. I think its range of application is somewhat narrowed by the so-called duty to retreat of the non-LEO citizen.

This is not what you said the first time.

I should have said, "It does not work with a high enough probability on agressive individuals to be depended on in my opinion".

I would rather trust the airtaser as a non-lethal weapon. I even tried it on myself and it knocked me on my rear. Of course the airtaser has it's limitations too.