Obtaining CLEO sign in Kendall (Miami,FL)


Recently bought a Krinkov with a barrel extension attached to keep it inside the ATF (NFA/Class III/Etc.) rules and now I'm thinking on converting it to its original short barrel. I live in Miami-Dade County (Miami), Florida, in the area of Kendall (unincorporated area of the City of Miami ). Doe's anyone have any experience in having the form for CLEO signed in this area? If so, who is the CLEO for Miami-Dade/Kendall? What is your experience? I really appreciate any info.
You have your choice of the; county sheriff, local chief of police, a district attorney, a judge who presides over felony cases, and may one or two more people who can sign for you.
Unfortunately, in Miami-Dade, there really is no one who will sign off on them. The Sheriff just flat out will not do it. Maybe, if you are buddy's with one of the smaller city Police chiefs, they might but for the most part they also refuse.

Get a DA in Miami to sign off on a Class 3? Not going to happen. The same with the judges, unless, once again, they are you friend. For such a gun friendly state Miami has the most liberal admin.

I will say that a LOT of people down here are going the trust route, myself included. It's worked well so far.
Thanks every body for the info ...

It's a shame in this city (Miami) we have that much of "anti-good citizens" officers. It's a shame that they are blind to the fact that signing this form would give them more control over the fire arms in their jurisdiction. And finally the requirement to get this form signed by law enforcement is a shame itself. God protect America from it's "public servants".