Obtaining a CCW permit in Omaha


Greetings everyone! This is my first post and I'm excited to be a part of this community!

I have a question regarding obtaining a ccw permit here in Omaha and I'm hoping someone can help me out.

First off, I just put a Kel-tec P11 on layaway yesterday and I have 90 days to pay it off. I plan on paying the balance as soon as I can get some more info on what I need to do.

Here is the process in Omaha:
1. Go to the Sheriff's office and obtain a purchase permit.
2. Take the permit down to the firearms vendor, pick out a firearm.
3. The vendor gives you the paperwork to register the firearm with the county (Douglas county in this case).
4. After registering the firearm with the county at the Sheriff's office, take the registration back to the vendor and they will give you the firearm.
5. Sign up for ccw classes.
6. After passing the class, obtain the ccw permit, perform a back handspring with a double flip and twist!

In Omaha, registering a firearm isn't required IF you obtain a ccw permit (I'm moving to Sarpy county in June where they don't require registering a firearm at all, so I'd rather not register in Omaha either). But how can I get a ccw permit if I don't get the registration which allows me to pick up the firearm from the vendor? I won't have a gun to take the ccw course with. Does this make sense to anyone or am I a great big dumb dumb dummy?

One more thing, I also read from the Omaha Sheriff's site that a CCW permit is considered a purchase permit (See step 1). Not sure if this changes anything but it threw me for a loop.

Thanks for your time and I hope someone can lend some insight to this.
Hi Mark,

My question is: If the vendor can't give me possession of the firearm until after I register it, which I'm not intending to do since I'll be getting a CCW permit, then how am I supposed to take the CCW class if I can't get the firearm? I know I'm missing something. I have a feeling my question will be answered when I go apply for the purchase permit. Just seems like a catch 22 to me. Thanks for replying!
then how am I supposed to take the CCW class if I can't get the firearm?

Call the bullet hole, explain you wish to obtain a ccw but you do not have a pistol, they will rent you one to use after taking their class.

Hope this helps you out.
Most places that offer firearms classes will usually rent you a pistol to take the class with. I would call a local instrutor/buisness offering class to make sure. I have had several friends show intrest in pistols and I have taken several of mine and also had them rent a few so they could figure out what characteristics in handguns they like/dislike. Welcome to TFL!
The other option...

Is simply to wait until you move to any other county in Nebraska where 'registration' is not required.

It's still better than PDSR California, where even private purchases must go through a FFL (and a fee, of course) and a ten day waiting period.

As a resident of Nebraska, one must have a 'purchase permit' to purchase a handgun from a dealer. However, the fee for the 'purchase permit' is $5.00 (five, not five hundred), is good for five years and is issued locally following a rather basic background check - criminal records or court mandated mental treatment. Having the purchase permit removes the requirement for a NICS check, by the way.

A valid Nebraska concealed weapons permit is a suitable alternative to the purchase permit.

For gun owners, Omaha is the state embarrassment.
Fascinating to hear the differences in CCW between states and different areas. I'm in Arizona. You can obtain a CCW if you like. But carrying concealed or open is legal without any permit.

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq