Observations on packing the Glock M29


New member
Hey there folks,

I've been packing my new M29 10mm 'compact' Glock for about a month now and thought I'd drop a note with some thoughts in case anybody was considering this piece. This is my first Glock and my first gun in 10mm.

It's a great weapon, first off, CCW or otherwise. The power-to-weight-to-size equation is really something. The thing almost hums as it sits there idle. 11 rounds of ProLoad 180gr in the basic package makes for a capable weapon. It's not a mousegun by any measure.

Rather than sit here and spout off all that I love about this gun, I'll give my complaints instead (with the disclaimer that I really love this gun :)) as those observations are likely to be more valuable to anyone considering one. Suffice it to say in the praise dept. that's it's a high-quality weapon in a major-league caliber from a respected manufacturer.

Now the complaint dept. :)

1. It's a bit too wide. The often heard comments about the smaller Glocks feeling 'blocky' when carried ring true for me. It's no big deal, but it's just thicker than I'd like it to be if everything was perfect. Of course, the thickness is a trade-off for other aspects such as the caliber and capacity.

2. It tends to point a bit high for me. This won't bother everybody, but if I just throw the gun up there and lock my wrist, the base of the front sight is perched on top of the rear sight. It would seem the grip angle is less-than-ideal, for me at least. This is, of course, not limited to the M29, all Glocks have the same grip angle (AFAIK). I'm considering having a local pistolsmith (Burns Custom) change the grip angle for me one of these days.

3. I'm not huge on the factory sights. The front sight is too wide and there's not enough light on either side of it as it sits in the rear notch. I prefer more light in the picture. I find more light alongside the front post makes for a more discernable 'flash' sight picture, faster acquisition and better rapid strings for me. This gun will get a set of AO Express sights right away. If post-in-notch is more your style, I would put a set of Heinie slant-pro's on it.

4. While the two-finger grip isn't impossible to deal with, controlling the gun in rapid strings is a hell of a lot easier with the Pearce grip extender [$10/mag] than without. The CCW profile isn't greatly altered, as far as I can tell. So all the mags now sport the extended finger shelf.

5. I wasn't crazy about the 'feel' of the grip, either. It was battering me just a hair in the web of my shooting hand, and I'm not crazy about the 'checkering'. So I put a Hogue HandAll grip sleeve on it [$12] and cut off the excess at the bottom. Much better :). The Hogue grip-sleeve is one of my favorite pistol accessories. It was just made for my (largish) hands.

That's pretty much it. It was %100 reliable until this morning, when I had two stoppages in about 50 rounds. One stovepipe and one failure to feed. I just replaced the 4340 ejector and this is the first time it's been out since that replacement...which is a little disappointing. :( I'll have to wring it out hard real soon here and see what the deal is. About 400 rounds through it so far and those two failures today were the only problems of any kind...although that's 2 too many :)

All-in-all I'm very happy with it. It rides in either a SideArmor 15-degree IWB or an Alessi Talon Plus IWB right now. The SideArmor is great, although the Alessi leather gets the nod for concealability (it tucks the gun in just a tiny hair tighter and there's nothing protruding under the belt as with the SideArmor) and comfort (not that the sidearmor isn't very comfortable). But the SideArmor gets points for being a bit faster (kydex, don't you know. Although this Alessi has the best 'break' of any leather holster I've used) and is more secure when sitting and getting in-and-out of the car and such. Not that the Talon is going to fall off or anything, but the SideArmor tends to hold its position/rake better. The Talon comes on and off more easily if getting the thing off of you in a hurry is important, which it's not for me. The SideArmor is more 'Glockish', when the gun is holstered, it's a nice little package, although the Alessi is definitely classier! (and smells better :)) I'm not sure which holster I like best just yet, they're both very high quality and I'd recommend either without hesitation.

Stay safe,

- gabe
Nice pistol, eh?

Mine has the 8196-2 ejector (it's a Smyrna Factory Refurb circa 9/99). Has been utterly reliable save for one FTF with a full 15-round G20 mag. I've been unable to repeat it, but that mag is mostly for range use anyway.
I have the G30, which is built on the same frame. Yes, the sights are not the best. That is why I ditched them for Heinie Slant Pros at the first opportunity. The thickness dosen't bother me. I am used to Rugers.;) The grip angle of a Glock is 18 degrees which is very close to the P08 Luger. If you are not used to it, it will indeed shoot high. That will just take a little geting used to. I have a Ruger MK-II which is a P08 in .22LR, and have shot it extensively, so the transition to the Glock was simple. You might consider it.
I have a glock 29, it's the most accurate gun I shoot.

I have a Piece grip extender, and a Sidearmor IWB, although the gun will actually fit in a large pocket.
Great observations on the 29. You're right....it does hum just sitting there. Mine has been 100% reliable after the ejector upgrade (-2). I purchased a Sparks VM-2 which works great. Although its still too big a lump for tuckable. I'd like to try the Sidearmor IWB if they could ever bother to make one for lefties. My next upgrade will be the Hennie Slant-Pro Straight Eights.

If you like the Hand-all you should try AGrip. I've always felt that the rubber sleves slid around too much. So when the checkering on the 29 and the Silvertips started tearing skin off my hands I put on Agrip. Much better. It also covers a much larger percentage of the grip which is nice. Check in with Tazz a Brooks Tactical and he will give you some tips on using foam to build palm swells etc. if thats what you are iterested in.
Tamara: The 8196-2 ejector is the part that's in there now, and the two failures occured on its watch. Could be a fluke, it was unique ammo I've never used before. A case of Georgia Arms 10mm should be coming soon, and we'll see what's up.

Bullwinkle: I was thinking about the Agrip treatment, but I decided against it. I'm not real big on the cosmetics :), and I love the way the HandAll changes the grip shape. I suppose I could look into building palm swells under the Agrip, but the HandAll shape is just perfect for me, and for some reason, I don't have the sliding around problem everyone else seems to have. I have another Hogue sleeve on an HK USP, and it tends to migrate slowly to whatever position my hand forces it to be eventually, which I don't really mind. The 29 sleeve hasn't budged yet. If I pick up that Glock 33 I've been eyeing, I just might give the Agrip a try.

Thanks for the advice folks! :) Keep it coming, I'm a sucker for info.

- gabe
That's a bit worrisome about the stoppages, but I'd guess they're ammo-related. My 10mm Glock (G20) stovepiped and otherwise ejected all over the place with the 4340 ejector. But since the 8196-2 upgrade, ejection has been strong and consistent. If that's any indication of the quality of this upgrade, then the culprit should be the ammo.

Of course, Glocks have a reputation for shooting just about anything. But it isn't necessarily so. As another example, although my G31 has intermittently failed to eject with Gold Dots, the factory service department checked the pistol out and said it was fine.
Can I HAVE anyone's Glock adjustable sights off of their G29?

I have a G20 and I think they share the same sights.