Obama's threats to gun owners

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fairview mick

New member
I posted this in another forum. This is similar to my other post.
A friend was listeneng to Opie and Anothy this A.M. and they were discussing Obama's threats:
#1: All semi auto hand guns will be classified as automatic and banned!!!!
#2: He will institue a federal law overriding state laws which will repeal the right to concealed carry. No one will have that right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3: Heavily tax all ammunition to make it almost prohibitive to purchase.
Be very careful for whom you vote.
Join and support the NRA. They will keep you apprised of this kind of tactic and will vigorously fight against it.
B. Hussein is certainly no friend to gunowners, or to lovers of liberty in general. That said, there are better organs than Opie and freaking Anthony :barf: from which to obtain political analysis.
Here come the Hussein remarks again:rolleyes: We all know it's a funny coincidence that his middle name is the same as Saddam's last name, we've all heard it and have had plenty of discussions on this. There are plenty of reasons not to like him, such as the reasons above and basically all of his political views, we don't need to focus on the Hussein, he had nothing to do with it. Good OP about the threats of B. Obama against guns, let's keep the thread there so it doesn't get closed. Good OP, he is a huge threat to our firearms and freedom, at least Hillary knows what happened last time there was an AWB.
the only way to get real change is to also clean house in congress and the senate, its time to get rid of lifetime politicians.
His middle name is not an issue, but I do agree he is anti-gun. Here is a good recent thread that's has about the same points.


BTW, I have now said it many times. I don't think beating up on Obama's middle name does any of us (gun owners) any good. It's Obama's left wing beliefs that will be his undoing, not his middle name.
I tend to agree with madmag. The "Obama and Guns" thread covers all the points of the OP.

Closed for being a duplicate.
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