Obama wants to know

Obama will not crusade anti gun bills. He will though sign any that cross his path. His stance on the 2A was well known until the revisionism set in at the start of his POTUS. It was a slick job and even fooled many supposed 2A supporters.

The fight to prevent the POTUS from signing such an anti bill is lost.

The fight now is to strike fear into the legislature that pushing 2A items may cost them their seat. It will not work with Pelosi and such but stands a good chance with those Dems who won in what were normally more conservative areas.

Or you can just claim we are all pawns of the evil Illuminati or Capitalistic Zaibatsu and concentrate on stocking your bunker like some here seem to do.
I don't believe any amount of letter writing etc. will influence the more anti gun members of congress like Kennedy, Schumer, Lautenberg, etc. I do however believe that sending intelligently written E-mails to a large majority of members of the senate and house will have an impact on minimizing the anti gun legislation.

Obama is going to have many more large fish to fry than to get caught up in anti gun rhetoric early in his presidency IMO.
What must be remembered is that the President Elect is a politician and like most other politicians his number one concern is re-election. If we make it very clear that the passage of restrictive gun laws will put that his re-election in serious jeopardy, we'll have a much better chance that he won't support such nonsense.
Obama is going to have many more large fish to fry than to get caught up in anti gun rhetoric early in his presidency IMO.
He will be standing next to the fire with no pan and no oil. His one and only hope will be to keep stoking the flames in hopes he can keep the Democratic fire hot until they show up. If he can do that with the stocks of our rifles, he will. He has to be shown that proposing restriction will derail the support he has from the masses.
Staying on topic, I just spent the last hour looking and spreading my opinion. It was more addicting than the "Legal and Political" forum.

I think its a good idea what it is. Even if it's worthless, you still may change the minds of a few on the other side. If nothing else, you get to ruffle a few feathers, that's always fun.
I think anyone who passes up looking at this is crazy and blinded by partisanship. Even if there is just a small chance that Obama will pay attention I think it is worth taking a shot. If he does pay attention clicking on those issues could have a lot more effect than any vote you have ever cast in a national election.
You do know that if you register and vote, THE WRONG WAY, they will have your identity in their hands for future confiscation :)

WildbetyadidnthtinkofthatAlaska TM
One of the things Obama campaigned on, was that as far as gun-control went, he said he wasn't for "one-size-fits-all" solutions: aka let each area define its own standards.

Well, how about we turn it around on him? HR 45 would impose nationwide personal licensing and gun registration, isn''t that exactly the opposite of what he campaigned for?

Personally, I don't think it will get traction. But let's suppose it did. He could be hoisted by his own petard.
You do know that if you register and vote, THE WRONG WAY, they will have your identity in their hands for future confiscation

Between having a few background checks called in to NICS and my CCL on file with the Indiana State Police, I think they probably already know I own a gun or two.
Interesting sight. Surprising opinions. Pro-gun topics seem to be seconded by the marijuanna legalization topics. (Both of which are hugely upsetting the opposition.) I suppose It was politically incorrect of me to vote in favor of both, but does it make me politically correct to engage in both activities seperately?:D
I checked out the site. I figure my name is already on a bunch of lists- what's one more? ;)

Up-date: Signed up. Voted up or down as necessary on the 2nd Ad issues.
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Personally, I don't think it will get traction. But let's suppose it did. He could be hoisted by his own petard.

True, but the masses would never hear about it because the media will never address it...they elected him. He'd could get caught in the oval office with a dead hooker in his lap, and we'd have newscasters coast to coast urging us not to pass judgement 'until all the facts are known'. Even if he does contradict himself, an excuse will always be invented to explain it away.
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I know for a fact the FBI has a file on me...

but I think their determination was the same as what was written about earth in the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy:

"Mostly Harmless"
The thread is to discuss the issue in the OP. If you want to discuss moderation, I suggest you take it to a PM to the moderators.

Or find a another forum that indulges you. :D
There are members of his party (schumer, pelosi, lautenberg, etc...) that would love to pass some sweeping federal gun cotnrol laws. We all know this.

The reason that these politicians do this is because the majority of their consituents support gun control. Supporting the passage of such laws will not affect their ability to get reelected.

However, there are many members of his party to include himself that would face serious issues from supporting gun control. Let's not forget that many pro 2A voters have voted for members of his party based upon other issues. These same candidates have also expressed support for gun rights. These congressman would face serious reelection difficulties if they supported gun control.

Obama himself would face issues from supporting gun control and I don't think he wants to touch the issue with a ten foot pole while wearing a hazmat suit. I don't think he even wants a gun law to come across his desk. Because no matter what he does, it will not please everyone. And signing it could cost him more votes than vetoeing it.

I would be more concerned if he had just been elected to a second term because second term presidents generally do what they want without regard to the people that elected them because they will not face reelection.

Gun owners tend to vote the issue and we tend to remember those who promised one thing on gun rights and did another.

The best we can do is make sure that these elected officials understand that gun rights are important to us and that we will remember the actions they take when we go back to the voting booth.
I would be more concerned if he had just been elected to a second term because second term presidents generally do what they want without regard to the people that elected them because they will not face reelection.

A very good point...something that we should all keep in mind 4 years from now after the media hands him a second term.