Obama up 6 points?


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Gallup Daily: Obama Moves Ahead, 48% to 42%

I've never seen a candidate get less than a 10 to 15 point bounce coming out of their convention. Of course its not over yet and he will likely get to a 10 point lead or will he?

Since McCain's recent wise and prudent choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate and Obama's poor showing in the polls, despite the rock star hype and predictions of his victory, I'm predicting a McCain win.

Futhermore McCain's VP selection has brought me back to the Republican party.

Down with Obama and the Dems!
The choice of Biden is likely pulling him down. The cult of personality only goes so far, and doesn't cover the selection of someone who has failed repeatedly and even referred to the media darling as unqualified for the position.
Mark this day on your calendar.....Rembrandt's crystal ball forcasts a landslide win for McCain/Palin....."so let it be written, so let it be done".
Go Alaska!!

McCain pulled a very strategic move with choice and timing - I hope it has staying power - I would guess all plugs are pulled and the REAL fight for the presidency has begun!
If bHo is not up by at least 10 points going into the election, he's done.

Go look at history. At this time of year, Dems are traditionally up by at least 10, but more likely 15 or even 20 points by this time in the election.

bHo is simply not going to attract any more voters than he already has.

And for all his playing the race card he lost respect from those of us that try to see past the color for the content of the person.... Death knell...
He was gamblin' on black and female voters as his ace in the hole... Death Knell...
We already knew a large portion of dem females were already swinging away from him and now McCain put a very decent female as VP so I think we will not only see Obama slip but McCain will soar in the polls a good bit. I also have optimistic hopes of a landslide McCain/Palin victory.
The media must be disappointed that their constant fawning and coverage of their idol during the convention hasn't caused a bigger bump.