Obama stance on gun ownership and crime

Uncle Ben

New member
Courtesy of savetheguns.com
In a 1996 General Candidate Questionnaire from Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), when he was about to run for his very first political office as a State Sanator of Illinois in the 13th District, Obama responded that he:

*Opposes Capital Punishment
*Opposes prosecuting violent adolescents as adults
*Opposes Mandatory Sentencing for people convicted of crimes
*Supports a ban on handguns
*Supports a ban on semi-automatic "assault weapons"

You can view the actual full length questionnaire at the following link:
I wonder whether the Obama supporters here are willing to admit that Obama is anti-gun, and whether his supporters are willing to surrender their semi-automatic firearms and handguns? After all, this is what Obama considers "sensible" gun control legislation.
This is kind of a repeat of some other threads going on, but I think you are talking about the survey Obama even added personal hand written notes. The spin from the Obama camp is that was just his staff's view...not Obama's view. So, his staff is left wing, but obama in really middle to conservative. Obama's new staff can be left wing, middle of the road, or conservative, which ever you want.... they just change as needed. And they just love all the guns they are going to ban.:D
"The spin from the Obama camp is that was just his staff's view...not Obama's view."

Does that mean if we elect him POTUS we get his administration's view and not his view?
Yeah, that's one of the things about the liberal gun owners approach that rubs me the wrong way. I don't mind if they say they want Obama as POTUS, that's their choice. But I don't appreciate them trying to tell me that there is nothing to worry about related to gun rights. Even though he has said as clearly as possible he is against gun rights, I am supposed to believe he can't or won't act on those beliefs if he is elected. This comes under the "give me a break" heading.
Obama's very careful about what he says. His wife and the other people close to him (who probably are ideologically similar to him) have been less careful. Listen to them to hear what BHO himself thinks but does not say publicly. Also, read BHO's books. He's been less careful in print (on race if not on guns [hint: his anger against whites is a serious concern]).
One of the new liberal arguments to gun owners seems to be this:

When faced with the fact that Obama wants a national CCW ban, and has voted against gun rights at every opportunity, they answer that it's not a problem because the President can't make laws anyway. Congress makes law, the President can only propose or back legislation introduced by Senators. And don't worry about appointments of liberal Supreme Court justices, he will never be able to get anyone that liberal approved. So go ahead and vote for him because he will never be able to get any gun legislation approved anyway.

You must admit it's a little amusing to think of Obama twisting Ted Kennedy's arm telling him to introduce new anti-gun legislation, and Teddy is saying...no no I won't do it.:D

BTW, an interesting flip side to the argument. His supporters say if elected Obama will be very effective and be able to get all kinds of great things done. Of course that effectiveness will not include being abler to get anti-gun legislation passed. That's the only area he will be non-effective in. That's what I call selective non-effectiveness!
If you really want to know what Obama stands for, you have to scroll the net and look for broadcasts of him when he's not standing in front of a podium. When he's on camera and scripted, he's a very different person than when he's not scripted. He's very eliquent when he has something to read from, or has crib notes. Catch him off the cuff, he's full of foot in mouth disease. Obama is so liberal it's not even funny, and he will do everything he can to take your guns away from you. Be very afraid of this man, he's scarier than Hillary.