Obama or Clinton will be the next president


New member
I've been reading on this board and other forums a lot of posts about how McCain has a chance to win and about how "we" must pull together to support him or else Obama/Clinton will get elected.

What is especially grating are those few who posture as sensible and mature and who belittle those who would vote for a third party rather than vote for any of the above.

Just a few thoughts.

Any campaign that needs to bank on, "vote for me cause the other guy is worse", is a disaster about to happen - enthusiastic voters vote in higher numbers and desultory voters vote in lower numbers

Clinton has the chance to be the "first female president."
Obama has the chance to be the "first black president."
Both of those headline factors are and will continue to energize a lot of voters both democrat and independent - including many first time voters.

Self identified independents typically vote democratic.

Bush is the face of the republican party and is very unpopular, uninformed voters - see independents - look at the ballot see democrat or republican after the name and then vote for the democrat.

McCain is this years sacrificial lamb for the republican party. A republican party that has been fractured at its base as conservatives who consider themselves conservative first and republican second feel sold out. That was partially due to the primary process - (liberal republican states setting the table and calling the tune - Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida).

Obama has the charisma to win.
Clinton has the organzation to win.
McCain has none of the above.

Given all the above a Clinton or Obama presidency is a Fait a compli

Personally, I'm just tired of voting for the lesser of two evils - so I'll either vote for Ron Paul or Cthulhu.

One final note, my deceased father was raised a democrat - FDR - was the family icon in his family- great depression and WWII. After JFK he never voted for another democrat for president. I asked him why he abandoned the democratic party. He said, “I didn’t abandon them, they abandoned me.” Both parties have abandoned the cause of liberty for power - I didn’t abandon them, they abandoned me.
All good points. Can't argue any one of 'em. (well -- except for the part about refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils -- but that's been covered in other threads).

I still hope you're wrong. But I think the wildcard here is the Iraq war. By November, 9 months from now, hopefully the truth will have emerged from the "iraq's-a-disaster-we-can't-win-so-let's-run" spin doctors and the "the-surge-worked-so-perfectly-Iraq-is-now-a-paradise" spin doctors.

If American's believe that we have created a democratic Iraq that will work with us in the MidEast and keep the oil flowing and bring down oil prices (not all realize this -- but there are several areas of Iraq that are unexplored and may have huge quantities of oil -- some believe that once these are developed Iraq will have more oil than Saudi Arabia) then McCain will have a good chance. His current surge is due to the upturn in the Iraq situation we've just seen this far (isn't it odd how we got daily death totals from Iraq when it was going to hell, and now you never see them since the fatalities are so much lower?).

Only time will tell. On both Iraq and McCain. And for that matter ... on Bush. But we'll have our Iraq and McCain answers much sooner than Bush's.
Whoever the Republican candidate is, and it looks like it might be McCain, Republican voters won't see a vote for McCain vs. either Obama or Klinton as the "lesser of two evils." Either Klinton or Obama will highly motivate the Republican base, as well as anybody else in the country blessed with "walking-about sense".
I'm not so sure about that. More than a few Republicans have come forward throwing their support behind Obama, crossing parties lines. There going to have to be something really screwed up to change things around. Of course the two leading Republican candidates have both supported gun control themselves, support amnesty for illegal immigrants and on a number of issues are more left than Clinton. McCain is likely to trounce everyone in the primaries next week, so we have a guy who campaign revolves around the need for more war and calling out zombie Reagan to help him.
I don't know, the Dems where I am don't like Hillary and they see Obama as a phony who promises the world, but has no real plans. Neither side has good candidates.
Obama lives on a cloud and Hillary behind fences on a high hill. Neither of them are in contactc with reality or how reality works. Only the deluded will stick up for them. In the end it's up to the the American people what they want for America. The tendencies in society will be reflected in the choice of the next President. If the tendencies are that the Americans want lower taxes and more individual freedom then it doesn't matter who the Republicans push. Me, I'd rather vote on a cucumber over a Democrat, becuase the cucumber will not raise my taxes, will not infringe on my right to carry arms, etc, etc.
Where's Ralph Nader when we need him. The guy is much more conservative then the top two in either party. I think it's time in this country to dis both parties and find someone who'll do something that the majority wants.

Make a viable 3rd party that isn't bent on destroying the constitution, socializing America, knows how to balance a check book, refuses bribes and calling it free speech.

Stops fighting over thing they have no intention of changing, thereby dividing the country. Things like abortion, flag burning, gay marriage that have been in the news for over 30 years and not one law passed. If it can't pass on a constitutional muster just shut up and get to work on something else.
I don't know it looks pretty pitiful on both sides. When I look at McCain I see a pretty stagnant situation with no change. I'd rather see anyone win other than McCain or Hillary which leaves Obama I think. It's the only other realistic choice.