Obama on Illinois Shooting


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MILWAUKEE (AP) - Barack Obama says the country must do "whatever it takes" to eradicate gun violence but believes in the right to bear arms.

Obama says he's offered his Senate office to help Northern Illinois University with the investigation into a campus shooting rampage. The shooting happened in his home state. Obama was campaigning in neighboring Wisconsin.

The senator, a former constitutional law instructor, says he believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants individual gun rights.

But he says it's subject to commonsense regulations like background checks.

Doesn't take long for the politicians to get out with their comments on events like this now days. His statement is interesting but also seems a bit contradictory. Sounds like he's trying to be strong on gun control while pandering to gun owners at the same time.

Wonder how long it will be before Hillary offers her comments.
I DARE them to mention carry rights, though. I'd plop down $1000 to see them publicly sign something guaranteeing carry rights in all 50 states.
You have a link to what he said exactly? I don't think I have ever read a statement by him that he understands much less support individual rights to keep and bear arms. Duck hunters maybe. His signature wasn't on the congressional brief that was an unabashed endorsement of the individual rights interpretation.
The senator, a former constitutional law instructor, says he believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants individual gun rights.

Really?? where did the lying gun banning piece of crap say that?

Last time I heard him speak he called for a national ban on concealed carry and a new Assault weapons ban. Then there is the fact that he has voted for every gun ban thats come up in the senate since he's been there.
The comments on the original post were taken off the AP post on the internet and are the only link I have. jwt
This is the only statement I found by Obama. Nothing pro RKBA about it. The man does not understand the Constitution or America well enough to be president.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Barack Obama today released the following statement on the shooting at Northern Illinois University:

"Yesterday, twenty-two men and women were shot, and six were killed, when a madman walked into a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb and opened fire.

"We hear about heartbreaking, mindless acts of violence like this day after day, week after week. They come in and out of the headlines, and after awhile, most of the world goes on. But for all the loved ones who are left behind, the pain and the sorrow remain for a very, very long time. Today we offer them our prayers, but we must also offer them our determination to do whatever it takes to eradicate this violence from our streets and our schools; from our neighborhoods and our cities. That is our duty as Americans, and that is our solemn obligation as mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, neighbors and friends.

"Michelle and I offer our deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims. They will be in our prayers."
JWT said:
The senator, a former constitutional law instructor, says he believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants individual gun rights.

This should be good news for Illinois residents. If he is elected they can start carring a firearm without applying for licensing.

At least that what he implies.

My guess is that if elected he will try to weasel out of this issue like all other leftists. His view will boil down to the old "collective rights" dodge, signifying the National Guard, but not you.

If I had to have a socialist for a President, this makes Hillary look even better. She might just be a glandular pit-bull in lipstick, but she's honest about being a communist. We will get socialized medicine, high taxes, no firearms and probably some very nicely appointed re-education camps.

Oh, and we get to laugh at Willie chasing broads all over D.C. This just might be fun, after all.
what did McClain say about the incident.

So far I have not hear or read anything from McCain on the latest shootings. Maybe he is just not going to say anything in fear of voter reprisal from either side. Lack of comment is another of the great political standards so you can not hold them to what they say.
It sounds like Obama said nothing too. As usual. But I don't think politicians are obligated to comment on every tragedy, their positions should be clear already. Why seek them out for comfort or answers?
and probably some very nicely appointed re-education camps.

We already have the wonderful public school system, and most Universities do little but dumb down the population even more.

Say hi to the next POTUS, people. He will say anything to get elected, just like most politicians. Hopefully we will get a decent President in there by 2012. Have to focus on the silver lining.
Obama wants to avoid the 2A issue in his run up to the nomination, so he'll say he supports the individual's right to keep & bear arms, until he can get in a position to help ban them. If you believe Obama, you're on the wrong forum.
JWT offers:

MILWAUKEE (AP) - Barack Obama says the country must do "whatever it takes" to eradicate gun violence but believes in the right to bear arms.

Obama says he's offered his Senate office to help Northern Illinois University with the investigation into a campus shooting rampage. The shooting happened in his home state. Obama was campaigning in neighboring Wisconsin.

The senator, a former constitutional law instructor, says he believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants individual gun rights.

But he says it's subject to commonsense regulations like background checks.

Doesn't take long for the politicians to get out with their comments on events like this now days. His statement is interesting but also seems a bit contradictory. Sounds like he's trying to be strong on gun control while pandering to gun owners at the same time.

Wonder how long it will be before Hillary offers her comments.


Re Senator Obama's comments, with a view to his past record, does the double-talk as with "The senator, a former constitutional law instructor, says he believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants individual gun rights.

But he says it's subject to commonsense regulations like background checks.", surprise anyone?