Obama on Bush's Tax Cuts


New member
Saw a clip today of BO saying that he is thinking about keeping President Bush's tax cuts in place.:eek:

What do you think got to him?
The realization that taxing a slowing economy will make matters worse?

How is he going to pay for everything he has promised if he doesn't raise taxes?
Will any votes gained for changing his view be offset by those that have there hand out waiting for " their slice of Pizza" from the evil rich??

That's about as believable as saying he doesn't want to ban guns. He's got to raise taxes to pay for his socialist programs (free medical, free college, $1000 to working people, etc.)
They must have put together a focus group that contained people who actually pay taxes.

He'll do the same thing every other politician does, deliver very little and blame the rest on the opposite party or his predessor.

Remember two years ago (Congressional elections) when the Dems made a whole lot of promises about how they would be a catalyst for "change, change, change"; hows that workin' out for us.
gee a 10 billion a month war

has been going on for years and we are going to blame Obama for having to pay the accrued debt. Certainly the cost of the war will just go away if McCain get into office.

Maybe the war cost issue and how it will be paid for should be more in the question pool than some of the other non-issue questions being discussed by the presidential candidates.

OH I forgot Iraq will pay us back according to Bush's original statements. So maybe the war cost is awaiting the check in the mail.
The cost of the war is but a tiny portion of our overall debt. Government has grown dramatically under Bush's watch and Obama blames him for not growing it even more.

Don't worry though - Obama won't have to raise income taxes. He will simply adopt a carbon tax which will immediately be passed on to consumers. The government is getting ready to trim a major hunk off the American taxpayer regardless of who wins. The only debate being had right now is how much can you cut off without killing the poor fellow. McCain has a bad position on this but Obama seems even more optimistic about how hard I am willing to work to support his largesse.
form Obama's speech at the DNC
For over two decades, he's subscribed to that old, discredited Republican philosophy — give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else,"

This just proves he doesn't get it. A tax cut isn't a gift. You aren't giving anybody anything, you are taking less. Welfare is a gift.
Saw a clip today of BO saying that he is thinking about keeping President Bush's tax cuts in place.

It's a lie. Bill Clinton had the same "lower taxes" campaign promises and he raised our taxes almost immediately. Understand one thing. Not one single democrat president has lowered our taxes since JFK in 1962.

Obama won't have to raise income taxes. He will simply adopt a carbon tax which will immediately be passed on to consumers.

McCain is also for this same carbon tax. That is why I believe ultimately, McCain is selling out all conservatives with his insane belief in global warming.
From what I gathered from McCain's plan was to reduce taxes on buisness while doubling the Child Tax Credit. Essentially, putting money in my pocket at tax return time, and hopefully lowering the cost of things in general by lowering the amount taken from the buisnesses. Am I right???

BHO's plan is to give me $250 tax cut. Is that per month or for the year? Then an additional $250 if the economy worsen?

I don't see that as $250 per month. What good is $250 dollars if the that will only pay for 1.5 months of gas.

McCains plan seems like a good idea, if the busnesses pass along the savings to us.
McCain's global warming tax plan....

What’s in McCain’s Plan?

McCain, who previously teamed with Lieberman to draft global warming legislation, supports a cap-and-trade proposal designed to reduce U.S. carbon emissions by 60% from 1990 levels by 2050. He argued that such a system “harnesses human ingenuity in the pursuit of alternatives to carbon-based fuels.”

McCain’s two Democratic rivals, Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, support an 80% reduction by mid-century, a recommendation in line with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The Lieberman-Warner bill supposedly would cut emissions by 70% by 2050.

A closer examination of cap and trade reveals the pitfalls of such a system. Even if it works perfectly, which is unlikely, it essentially amounts to a new tax on energy. In its analysis of the Lieberman-Warner bill, the Congressional Budget Office said the legislation would increase federal revenue by $1.21 trillion from 2009 to 2018—money that can best be described as a tax increase.

If Obama promised that he would keep all of Bush's tax cuts he's an idiot. In spite of my misgivings about Obama I don't think he is simple minded.

He has said that he won't raise taxes on those making under 250k. That would mean he's keeping the Bush tax cuts for a segment of the population. I don't think that's a smart idea, but it's miles better than keeping all of them.

Hey does anyone remember 93? There were dire prediction then that a raise in the top tax rate would destroy the planet and it actually turned out pretty good.
I would prefer a flat tax of some sort. People who don't pay (easily visible) taxes do not care about the spending plans of those they vote for. When Federal income tax, Social Security, Medicare, state income tax, sales tax, gasoline tax add up to over 50% for many. And then the cost of products may be the same percentage in pass-through taxes to pay taxes for corporations making it probable that some are paying 75% in taxes. I don't know about all of you, but I don't see very much in services for what I pay. Mostly I get to deal with arrogant, lazy government workers who act like you are imposing on them.