Obama OK's guns in school...to protect his kids


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TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — Who knew Secret Service agents were so handy for parents of elementary school kids?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, taking questions from an Indiana crowd Saturday, called on a 5th grade teacher. Noting that his 10-year-old daughter, Malia, is starting the 5th grade, he asked: "Any tips? What should I be waiting around for?"

Someone called out, "boys."

"What!" Obama exclaimed in mock horror, as the audience laughed. "Hold on a sec. Maybe that home-schooling is all right. One reason I have to win here is so that I've got Secret Service around my girls at all times. They carry guns."

Malia might not be getting any play dates soon.

Schools are gun free zones unless Obama's kids are in them...then it's ok. :rolleyes:
He's obviously joking but it's still hypocritical to insinuate that you're safer when you have armed bodyguards while still supporting gun-free zones.
Joking? Maybe? Tasteless definitely! From his stance on gun control to even be joking around children about the Secret Service having guns and then to say that he needs to win so he can get Secret Service protection is the ultimate hipocracy.
Can't believe I'm getting ready to say this; but somebody has to be the devils advocate (literally in this case). :barf:

Perhaps the young daughters of a presidential candidate need certain level of protection that most children don't need day-to-day? I mean hell, they're on TV, lotta people don't like their daddy, and a few of them wouldn't think twice about trying to kidnap or kill 'em. How many other specific elementary-school kids have political enemies (even by proxy)? To give another example, you think Bush's daughters don't have body guards?

Ain't nothing wrong with keeping those kids safe, even if most of us here don't give two ****s about their father.
No one says they don't need protection but for him in a school surrounded by teachers and students to point out that the Secret Service Agents had guns is hipocracy. If he had left that comment off then I could understand but to try and scare 5th boys with guns is WRONG. Then to say that he needs to win so he can get protection for them is BS. Whether he was joking or meant it is not important but that he even said it is totally out of line and shows his true feelings about how self important he thinks he is.

Someone who dies by random violence is just as dead as someone who dies by targeted violence.

Perhaps the young daughters of a presidential candidate need certain level of protection that most children don't need day-to-day? I mean hell, they're on TV, lotta people don't like their daddy, and a few of them wouldn't think twice about trying to kidnap or kill 'em.

So, are his kids are more important than yours or mine?
So, are his kids are more important than yours or mine?

Nope, but they're different.

But, if it bothers you, you can argue it with McCain and Palin and Obama and Biden and Bush and Cheney.

Every single one of them accepts the Secret Service premise that they are targets and better off being protected by agents with guns while everyone else around them is disarmed.

Such is the way it works.
So, are his kids are more important than yours or mine?

It's not a matter of importance, it's a matter of probability of becoming a target. Are you arguing that your children are equally likely to be the target of a kidnapping or murder as the President's?


Someone who dies by random violence is just as dead as someone who dies by targeted violence.


Very true. However the odds that a random child will become the victim of violence (aside, perhaps, from some schoolyard bullying) is nearly zero. The odds that the child of a President would become the victim of violence, absent Secret Service protection, would probably approach one.
It's not a matter of importance, it's a matter of probability of becoming a target. Are you arguing that your children are equally likely to be the target of a kidnapping or murder as the President's?

Pax, Creature, that's all I was saying... Random violence is just that, random; ain't no real way of guarding against it. You just do what you can to safeguard against it, usually starting with things that might attract more attention... In this case the children of a political celebrity.

I don't have a problem with Obama's kids having SS protection, no more than I mind jewelry stores having glass over the gold rings. Neither is a strong deterrent, but sometimes a bit of show might call somebody's bluff.
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I personally wish we would yank all SS protection. Candidates and politicians should be forced to live as normal people. If something bad comes their way then tough rocks, they should have to deal with it like the rest of us. Particularly if they're anti 2A like TPFI they should have no protection whatsoever and be forced to live with the consequences of their idiotic ideology.
Are Obamas(or any known person`s ) children more of a target going to school than the average person`s`? IMO that would depend on where they attended school. Put them in a Detroit inner city school, yep. Put them in a high dollar private school in a high rent district thats got on campus security, I`d say the chances of something happening to them evens out more with the regular child going to that inner city school everyday. If he`s elected Pres., his kids should have S.S. protection same as any other presidents kids. Any Pres. kids automaticly become dailey International targets from terrorists and wacko`s that hate the Pres. Regular kids going to regular schools(especially many schools in ruff areas) are dailey targets of thugs,gangs,molesters,dope dealers,pedifiles,etc.Juan Carlos posted earlier about the chances of random kids being victims of violence being nearly zero. That tells me just how out of touch some people are about the amount of violence going on in alot of again,big inner city schools, and spreading rampantly to suburban areas. Rape,murder, assault is happening in a public school somewhere dailey in the U.S. Bottom line is, its happening to kids,Presidents kids or not and its our duty to stop it. Obama and most of Congress are against teachers with guns in schools but haven`t come up with any other ideas to stop the violence. The harsh reality is when you have a scenario of a wacko that doesn`t care to die shooting up a school the only option there is to take that person out as fast as you can. We should not be waiting for the local LEO to show up while kids are being slaughtered.
I personally wish we would yank all SS protection. Candidates and politicians should be forced to live as normal people. If something bad comes their way then tough rocks


Yeah, the country be damned!