Obama Is Not a Muslim

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New member
OK, all you individuals who insist on the mistaken belief that Obama is or was a Muslim, have at it. Here's the thread where you can post your concrete, overwhelming, hold up in court evidence. Let's hear it.

Note: this thread is for real evidence - not the "well other people think he is" or "his stepfather went to a mosque" sort of circumstantial silliness.
being muslim is not a bad thing..just as being christian or jewish ect isnt....the only difference is that , the later are more familiar to americans. OBAMA IS NOT MUSLIM, BUT SO WHAT IF HE WAS....why do we act like muslims are evil..b/c of terrorism ? does that mean that the catholics/christians of history and present are "evil" b/c of thier past and currrent atrosoties..which they also supported in the name of god/religion ?
Don Lu, you raise a good point. My intention was not to imply at all that being Muslim is bad. If Obama is or was an adherent of Islam, that is his personal choice and I have no problem with it.

What I am trying to get at are those individuals who keep insisting that Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that he clearly and unequivocally has stated on numerous occasions that he is in fact a Christian. This seems to be turning into the new McCarthyism, a way of casting doubt on his loyalty to this country. Those that insist that Obama is a covert Muslim, or was a Muslim, are playing on the same type of fear, or worse.

So, I ask those who would be Obama's inquisitors, where's your evidence?
I only care about the content of his character and ability. I could care less if he were to be a Muslem, or not. What I am concerned with is that he appears to be a Marxist.
We aren't currently in a war with Christians or Jews, we are in a war against Muslim ideology(the real form of it anyway). Neither Christians nor Jews follow their religion with such zeal as many Muslims.

When Christians start suicide bombing people I think you could make a comparison, but currently they aren't comparable.
Great amounts of BS being put out

but no proof over Obama and his being a Muslim. Its just more of the same crap thrown out by those who would post anything to get thier candidate elected. No-one has yet to post any information that proves Obama is a Muslim.
Leif,You dont need to explain to me. I wasnt directing anything negative at you. I have read many of your post over the past few days and I know where you are coming from(and agree). No worries.
Obama isn't a Muslin. People who spread that are pandering to fear and attempting to throw the election by appealing to the lowest common denominator: ignorance.

I don't support the man and I won't vote for him but as an American, I hope to see him lose the race based on his merits or lack there fore of, not on some internet, right wing, terror scheme. Think about it. What has become of the election system in America when fear and lies decide an election?
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