Obama Houston Campaign office decor

That joker has an ' Error - 404 Not Found' decorating his office?! I'm flabbergasted!

Just kidding...I'm guessing this is what you were intending to point to?

I shake my head when I see disaffected college students wearing Che Guevara shirts; I'd like to think that a candidate for President of the United States (or, more likely, his local staffers) would know better.
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Not that the Che-wannabees aren't silly in the extreme, but how is it any worse than all the state flags that include the stars and bars or other elements of Confederate symbolism? Oh wait, that's heritage ... :rolleyes:
Oh wait, that's heritage ...

Damn straight.

By the way, the "stars and bars" you're referring isn't actually what you're thinking about. Additionally, your red herring argument is, well, a red herring.

Furthermore, if a campaign office is going to get a photographed or filmed by a news outlet, you can be sure that some higher-up in the campaign management gave the clearance. Apparently, they were OK with it.

Thanks for playing.

¡Viva La Revolución!
Both Hillary and Obama have a background with Chicago Marxist organizer Saul Alinsky who urged that radicals overthrow the system from within by hiding their radical beliefs and looking middle class.

See Here:


MOST AMERICANS never heard of Saul Alinsky. Yet his shadow darkens our coming election. Democrat frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both worship at the altar of Alinskyism.

In a 1971 book called Rules for Radicals, Alinsky scolded the Sixties Left for scaring off potential converts in Middle America. True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.

Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.

In his native Chicago, Alinsky courted power wherever he found it. His alliance with prominent Catholic clerics, such as Bishop Bernard Sheil, gave him respectability. His friendship with crime bosses such as Frank Nitti – Al Capone’s second-in-command – gave Alinsky clout on the street.

In our book The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Siezed Control of the Democratic Party, my co-author David Horowitz and I trace the rise of Alinsky’s political influence since the 1930s.

He excelled at wooing wealthy funders. Start-up money for his Industrial Areas Foundation – a training school for radical organizers – came from department-store mogul Marshall Field III, Sears Roebuck heiress Adele Rosenwald Levy, and Gardiner Howland Shaw, an assistant secretary of state for Franklin Roosevelt.

Alinsky once boasted, “I feel confident that I could persuade a millionaire on a Friday to subsidize a revolution for Saturday out of which he would make a huge profit on Sunday even though he was certain to be executed on Monday.”

Barack Obama is also an Alinskyite. Trained by Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation, Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project. Later, he worked with ACORN and its offshoot Project Vote, both creations of the Alinsky network.

Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer.

That Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama share an Alinskyite background tells us two things. First, they are leftists, dedicated to overthrowing our Constitutional system. Second, they will go to any length to conceal their radicalism from the public.

That is the Alinsky method. And that is today’s Democratic Party.

Also see here about Alinsky:


Alinsky was no pacifist. In Rules for Radicals, he wrote, “The power of a gun may be used to enforce slavery, or to achieve freedom”. He rejected violence for practical reasons, not moral ones.

The problem with America, Alinsky wrote, was that rightwingers had more firepower than leftists. This made violent revolution impractical. “`Power comes out of the barrel of a gun!’ is an absurd rallying cry when the other side has all the guns,” Alinsky admonished his readers.

In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky noted approvingly that Lenin renounced violence upon returning to Russia from exile in April 1917. The Tsar had abdicated, but Social Democrats now controlled the government. Lenin’s Bolsheviks were outnumbered and outgunned.

Alinsky explained, “The essence of Lenin’s speeches during this period was `They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet’ And it was.”
I shake my head when I see disaffected college students wearing Che Guevara shirts; I'd like to think that a candidate for President of the United States (or, more likely, his local staffers) would know better.
Why? Their ideas match and desired outcome the same.
I can't remember where I read this:

If you are not a socialist by the time you are twenty, you have no heart. If you are still a socialist by the time you are thirty, you have no head.
Not a big deal since the person is not a paid Obama campaign staffer. He has never been to that office nor would he put that image up in one of his offices. This is the own opinion of the staffer, it still a free country. I thought all you constitutionalist believed in the freedom of expression? I know people here are trying hard, which is alway humorous, to use the old guilt by association but in reality this is no different than a racist actively supporting a Republican. It does not mean he endorses the ideology. Also take into account that for better or worse millions of people in third world countries still consider him a hero after all these years because Che fought for them.
As a Ron Paul supporter who finds it ridiculous that some cannot understand why Paul might sign autographs for or take pictures with questionable characters ... In all fairness to Obama ... he can't control what someone in a volunteer office hangs on their wall.

What he stands for is much more important ... and that is basically, catch phrases and cliche's , with a lot of charisma to sell them.

Just what we need. More talk and no action.

What will he accomplish ? ... He'll allow a democrat controlled congress to do whatever they want and will give hard earned tax dollars away in benefits to illegals. New gun control laws will be enacted and a poorly managed health care system will be put in place that further raises prices and lowers quality but maintains the monopolistic powers of the Big Pharma companies.

With his total lack of economic intelligence , he'll count on others for more poorly managed fiscal policies and we'll see our economy slip into sub super power status as he takes over the reigns of the largest debtor nation on earth.

The middle class will of course suffer the worst of the Tax and Spend congress as they raise taxes to handle the increasing burdens and we continue to borrow money from the Chinese to stay afloat.

See ... I don't give a rat's behind about what someone that wants to support him has on their wall ... what matters is what he'll stand for .

CHANGE! :rolleyes:

Just remember this ... change is not always for the better ... And don't blame me ... I voted for Ron Paul.