Obama forbids sale of S Korean Garands/Carbines

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I love all the buck-passing from the government. Also, the "haha you can't have them" attitude from the anti people.

I don't know which sickens me more, the ignorance or the arrogance.
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The woman from the Brady Bunch is either a retard or is lying. She claims that these rifles take high capacity magazines. I wish I could debate her in public to expose her for the snake that she is. These rifles take 8 rounds into an internal magazine. 8 rounds is not high capacity.
The woman from the Brady Bunch is either a retard or is lying. She claims that these rifles take high capacity magazines. I wish I could debate her in public to expose her for the snake that she is. These rifles take 8 rounds into an internal magazine. 8 rounds is not high capacity.

While this is true, its true only for M1 rifles aka garands. The article specifically mentions M1 carbines which take 15 or 30+ round magazines. I'm not saying its right, but to the media, anything over 10 is "high capacity".

I am in disbelief about the story.
Believe it.

Yeah, they take "high capacity" magazines FULL of .30 carbine ammo! Which we all is know the best "high power" caliber, readily available to gang members!

I know they work. My grandpa fought in the Pacific on several islands. However, it was designed to replace two guns and did neither. ;)
does that really suprise anyone? obama doesnt care about your gun rights or the constitution. i wonder if he knows i have a .22 with a 25rd. mag? shhhhh..
Clinton in 68, Bush 1, Bush 2 refused to overturn or repeal either ban.

This is not an Obama thing he dreamed up because he is after anything. He'd be on a hot seat no matter what he does wouldn't he?

It's a bit ignorant and short sighted to lay this one in Obama's lap.
Hardly, woodguru. This was done by executive order so the blame lies entirely with the President. (And a complete reversal of what he had stated last year.) Besides, the taxpayer is going to pay for them anyway as the State Dept. is now going to purchase them (reimburse is their word for it) and assist S. Korea with their disposal.
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Let's see if I got this right, we sold these arms to S Korea under a lend lease. Now that they are obsolete we are going to buy them back and then destroy them? In the present state of our national debt I fail to see economic sense in this. :(

I would wonder what we sold them for and what we are buying them for.
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