Obama empties the magazine into his foot.


New member
Found this article posted on Fark.com Laws alone can't stop violence: Obama

here are the reliant portions. Better to read the whole article though.

Obama said elected officials can help by restoring federal funding to put more police on the street and passing more gun-control legislation, such as better background checks for gun purchasers. But laws alone can't change things -- some parents have to get more involved in their children's lives, he said.
On one hand, good for him speaking the truth on parents getting more involved in their kids lives. On the other, he is openly admitting his anti-gun nature that we all already know.

Obama, who had trouble with gun owners in Pennsylvania and other states, said he has never supported a blanket ban on handguns but favors letting local officials enact gun regulation appropriate for their areas. Banning guns has not always proven effective, he said.
So you are for gun bans, but are against them? Sounds like Kerry with his, "I was against the war before I was for it" moment. You can be for one or the other Mr Obama, not both. I wonder what kind of answer we would get if we asked him if he thought the Pope was Catholic?

There's a bunch of things we can do. I've already said as president I want to restore [federal] COPS funding, which will put police on the streets. Additional police improves public safety. New York has seen a huge drop in crime over the last decade, more than even other cities, and part of it is they've got more cops than anybody else per capita. We've got to help local communities put more police on the streets. We want to make sure we provide state and local government with the targeting information they need, the technology they need to make sure police are going to the places most at risk for gun violence. We've got to tighten up our gun laws. I've said before we should have a much tougher background check system, one that's much more effective and make sure there aren't loopholes out there like the gun show loophole. [Or] The Tiahart Amendment [requiring destruction of gun-purchase records.] Here's an example of something common-sense: The ATF [federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms] should be able to share info with local communities about where guns are coming from, tracing guns that are used in criminal activity. It's been blocked consistently in Congress. As president, I'm gong to make sure we know if guns are being sold by unscrupulous gun dealers not abiding by existing laws. We should know about that.
My brain hurts just reading that pack of lies. Police conducting LEGITIMATE police investigations have always had access to the ATF data and that access was not impeded under the Tiahart Amendment. It is people like Mayor Daley, Bloomberg, and others who have had access cut off from this data. That is why they are whining so hard. They are upset that someone dared tell them, "No, you can't do that."

I don't even need to go over the "gun show loophole".

Yea I know I am preaching to the choir, but I figured that we can all use more ammo against the gun-banners.
Good posting.
Obama is one DANGEROUS dude. I don't even want to be on the same planet with that creep, let alone having him be President of the US.

Yea I know I am preaching to the choir, but I figured that we can all use more ammo against the gun-banners.

Agreed. But you not preaching to the choir as much as you think. Some would like us to stop talking about Obama's, and other liberals anti-gun stand. We need to keep there views on display or they will try to fly under the radar by letting things die down.

Good post.
Is it just me or does anyone find Secret Service protection to be directly against the intentions of the Founders who wanted us to keep politicians as far from invincible as possible?
But Obama is the candidate of Change. And hope. And true change. And true hope. And changeful hopiness. And hopeful changeness. And changing of hope. And hoping for change. And hoping to get every last piece of change from your pocket.
Obama, who had trouble with gun owners in Pennsylvania and other states, said he has never supported a blanket ban on handguns but favors letting local officials enact gun regulation appropriate for their areas. Banning guns has not always proven effective, he said.

that's funny Chicago has a ban on all handguns and being an Illinois Senator he could try to do something about it but he won't.

my favorite "Banning guns has not always proven effective, he said. " it's only been proven effective by dictators
Obama said "Additional police improves public safety"

Yeah.... it helps. But far more important is dealing with the criminals after they're arrested and convicted. The entire criminal justice system needs a makeover. This revolving door crap allows a small percentage of the population to hold hostage the vast majority. Prison is too good for these people. Build a fenced enclosure, 40 miles in diameter a bit north of the Mexican border, then on the southern side extend the fence at angles down to the border, creating a funnel. Stick hardcore criminals in there and let 'em rot. Anyone wanting to illegally invade the country can just get funneled into the prison with their American brethren. Anyone wants to escape, they can invade Mexico. Station troops around the enclosure and forget about.

The above is only half in jest.:mad:

just a week back from Hawaii and I'm evencrankierthanWAtoday
Yeah.... it helps. But far more important is dealing with the criminals after they're arrested and convicted.
Agreed. Even better yet is convincing parents to teach their children the difference between right and wrong. Add in a general societal condemnation of the "gangsta" culture and you'll put an end to this slaughter.

I repeat -- the problem isn't going away until we, as a culture but especially in those urban areas where it is so prevalent, quit glorifying violence for violence's sake. It is NOT cool. It is not "Being Real". It is not "Establishing Street Creds". It is thuggery. We need a reawakening of polite, genteel society, especially where this is no longer the norm.

But -- you can bet your last dollar that Obama YoMamma isn't going to promote anything of the sort. That would entail condemning his political base. Not a chance of THAT happening.

...And hoping for change. And hoping to get every last piece of change from your pocket.
Ain't THAT the truth!
Crosshair said:
Obama, who had trouble with gun owners in Pennsylvania and other states, said he has never supported a blanket ban on handguns but favors letting local officials enact gun regulation appropriate for their areas. Banning guns has not always proven effective, he said.
So you are for gun bans, but are against them?

I dunno. One can see the statement as, "Well, this is how I personally feel about the issue, but I support the rights of states and counties to know what's best for themselves. Go states' rights!"
There is a story about Obama in the current issue of American Hunter. Obama wants all states to repeal their current CCW laws and allow only police oficers to CCW but this is just a start for his plans.
I wonder if CCW laws get repealed nationwide, will the people who currently have CCW permits still be able to carry, can this be grandfathered or something??
Stock response in antigun Obama threads.

Senator Obama is a rascist, antisemitic, elitist and loon-left pandering Cook County politico who besides those admirable qualities, is totally unqualified by way of experience to run this country. Oh and he is anitgun too.

It truly scares me that there are so many people who would vote for him.

WildbuticanrunAlaska TM
Stock response in antigun Obama threads.

Senator Obama is a rascist, antisemitic, elitist and loon-left pandering Cook County politico who besides those admirable qualities, is totally unqualified by way of experience to run this country. Oh and he is anitgun too.

It truly scares me that there are so many people who would vote for him.

That doesn't scare me. What scares me is that he might become our next president because there are so many Republicans who are planning to sit this election out.
Wildalaska said, "Senator Obama is a rascist, antisemitic, elitist and loon-left pandering Cook County politico who besides those admirable qualities, is totally unqualified by way of experience to run this country. Oh and he is anitgun too."

He's worse. check out the following.
Paul B.

*I wouldn't recommend purchasing his books, but checking them out from the public library and verifying the quotes... this is a
potentially dangerous individual that has not been truthful, evidently with very much he has uttered in public. Particularly the last quote!

This man wants to be our President and control our government. Below are a
few lines from Obama's books ' his words:

>From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

>From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

>From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

>From Dreams of My Father: ; 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses,
to strike out and name names.'

>From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my
father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm,
Dubois and Mandela.'

>From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

If that last comment is true, then Mr. Obama should be deported from this country and sent back to Africa to live with his grandmother. :mad:
Paul B.
But Obama is the candidate of Change. And hope. And true change. And true hope. And changeful hopiness. And hopeful changeness. And changing of hope. And hoping for change. And hoping to get every last piece of change from your pocket.

I think you mistranslated bro....

Lemme correct that for you.....

"But Obama is the candidate of CHAINS."

Vote Obama

America needs CHAINS.