Obama can stop the school shootings


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This lady has the answers why we need to vote for Obama. :rolleyes:

Shooting shows why Obama strikes a chord
So many of his supporters are tired of feeling hopeless

Mary Mitchell
Chicago Sun Times February 17, 2008

If you're wondering why Sen. Barack Obama's message of hope has resonated with so many voters across the country, consider the shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University.

Despite a decade of school shootings, we are never prepared for the horror of someone opening fire on innocent people, then taking his or her own life.

On Thursday, five people were killed and more than 20 others were injured when a man who was described by school administrators as a former top student returned to the campus and began randomly shooting students in a lecture hall.

The shooter has been identified as Steven Phillip Kazmierczak, a 27-year-old graduate student at the U. of I.

Like many of you, I watched the televised reports on the violence feeling completely helpless, and wondering how such a horrible thing could have happened in a place where people should feel safe.

How is it that we live in a country where a young man can get his hands on four weapons, including a shotgun?

Why are people walking around armed to the teeth?

The only reason I can think of is that too many people have lost hope.

The pain of hopelessness
We are living at a time when depression seems to be as common as a cold or flu. Yet what is depression but an impenetrable cloud of hopelessness?

Hopelessness is behind the violence that erupts on street corners and behind closed doors in middle-class homes where women have killed their children and tried to take their own lives.

And it is hopelessness that condemns innocent children like Demond Reed to an early death at the hands of an abuser, and lures young men and women to throw away their futures for a drug addiction that leads to wasted lives.

If these hopeless people were easier to spot, we could devise better ways to protect ourselves. But they are not.

According to university officials, Kazmierczak's behavior while a student at NIU raised no "red flags," and he was "revered" by faculty and other students.

Yet something drove this seemingly normal graduate student to drive three hours on Valentine's Day to carry out a deadly plan that he obviously thought out in advance.

Late Friday afternoon, we had heard a lot of details about the terrifying few minutes that resulted in such large-scale carnage, but we still didn't know the motive for the shooter's rampage.

Kazmierczak didn't leave a suicide note, nor had anyone who knew the shooter personally offered a hint as to what set him off. But apparently Kazmierczak had recently gone off medications and had been acting "erratically," according to police officers.

But while law enforcement can respond to these tragic shootings, and claim that there was nothing they could have done differently that would have prevented the tragedy, it doesn't leave us with much hope.

After the endless interviews with eye-witnesses, the candlelight vigils and the heartfelt condolences from elected officials, the public is still left to bear the weight of this terrible crime.

Because without hope, nothing changes.

A gift the country needs
Last April, 23-year-old Seung-Hui Cho killed 33 people and injured 30 others on the Virginia Tech campus before killing himself. That mass shooting -- considered the worst in America's history -- may have spurred officials on other campuses to beef up security, but these officials are apparently no match for lone gunmen who have access to college campuses.

Since Virginia Tech, many parents of college-aged students have had to turn to their faith.

On the stump, however, Obama has had to defend his faith, and jokes about his critics calling him a "hopemonger." But Obama's ability to inspire people -- in urban areas as well as in rural towns -- is a gift the country needs.

Young people are killing each other in the ghettos as well as in our nation's universities. So it's not just drug wars or street gangs driving the violence.

But while young people are dying as martyrs, adults with the power to make a difference are still arguing over the merits of gun control.

Obama is surging ahead because a lot of people are tired of believing they are powerless to heal an ailing nation.
I watched the televised reports on the violence feeling completely helpless, and wondering how such a horrible thing could have happened in a place where people should feel safe.

Mushy headed liberal in a nutshell: It's about how I want to feel, not objective reality.

Obamunism is about feeling like the government can solve all problems.
Obama is surging ahead because of eight years of the media reflexively bashing the current administration except a brief respite after 911.

I got nothing against the man, he just isn't that much different than any other liberal except for appearance and stage presence. He offers nothing that the current speaker of the house or any other progressive liberal does not offer. After thirty years of that the American people voted it out.

Now after a well focused media campaign we might be about to vote such back in.

If you think we are seeing murder suicides now, wait until the liberals further restrict ownership of defense tools. We ain't seen nothing yet.
IS she truly saying that if Obama had been president, this latest killer would have been full of hope and would not have done what he did?

Or is she saying if Obama was president we would have had more gun control and he would have been unable to do it?

Or, we would have been in a utopia, he would have had no guns and would have been full of hope, and wouldn't have wanted to do it anyway?

I hope he is trying to ride this faith based campaign all the way to the white house. Sure a segment of his true believers will get high on this laughing gas but a lot like me need reason over just a messiah cry to have hope and believe. This man needs to start addressing grown ups and soon.
If you think we are seeing murder suicides now, wait until the liberals further restrict ownership of defense tools. We ain't seen nothing yet.

Why would gun control increase the rate of murder/suicides? I doubt it would make much difference on way or the other.
Why are people walking around armed to the teeth?

The only reason I can think of is that too many people have lost hope

Ironically, most people aren't walking around armed at all. That's why the NIU shooter felt that his murderous hopes were within reach.
Forgive me but I think we need to build more padded rooms for these liberal loony tunes. Shootings happen because folks want to shoot someone and there are way to many gun-free zones that give them ample targets.

This is old but it brings my point into sharp focus: How many folks walk into an NRA convention to shoot the place up?

The only "hope" any politician can bring us is the hope they don't raise taxes to the point where it's cheaper to quit working...
So many of his supporters are tired of feeling hopeless.

Why is this? I mean things are not perfect in this country and I am sure things could be better. I would not say I feel "hopeless". If I were living in communist China or if we lost our republic and had dictator I would feel hopeless.

But we are still richest country in world, I can still vote, still have a Bill of Rights and I can pursue happiness still. So I may not be perfectly happy but I am not hopeless
Are you serious

Perldog007 "Obama is surging ahead because of eight years of the media reflexively bashing the current administration except a brief respite after 911."

Perldog your attempting to make seven years of massive screw-ups from FEMA to Iraq, from The Patriot Act to wire taps, from claiming there is no torture ever to the admission that there might have been a few, from starting with a surplus to ending with a deficit, from having an economy the was not faltering to one where we have to inject 150 plus billion to keep from a recession all nonexistent and the fall of the media. You need a reality check.





(What utter morons.)
His ideology - Socialism/Commununism has killed, by many estimates, 150 million of their own citizens in the last 100 years. What does he and the other Marxist Alinsky deciples have to say about that. Exactly nothing because this is all about HIM and not you.
His ideology - Socialism/Commununism has killed, by many estimates, 150 million of their own citizens in the last 100 years.

Yeah, but unfortunately most people in the "gun debate" lose sight of the bigger picture and start quibbling over crime statistics. Common criminals are a minor concern compared to democide.
Hey !! I am armedtotheteeth!! \

"How is it that we live in a country where a young man can get his hands on four weapons, including a shotgun?

Why are people walking around armed to the teeth?

The only reason I can think of is that too many people have lost hope. "
Why doesn't Obama volunteer to talk to the people who go postal? If that's what he expects everyone else to do then I'd suggest he do it first to demonstrate, and that if we don't need to be armed that he get rid of his bodyguards.