Obama Campaign Staff


New member
Received a call today from Obama campaign. I asked for his position on the 2nd amendment. The person did not know what the second amendment is or what I was referring too. She stated, "never heard of it" !!!
Now that is enough to terrify me. Where in the name of all that is reasonable, did this dunce come from. Send an e-mail directly to his campaign HQ and let them know that this idiot cost him a vote. That should get him to educate his staff. If he really gives a ****. (Yeah, right)
they only know the script

I doubt you find any of these campaign workers who know more than the few issues that they get a script for. This one did not know about the 2nd amendment. How many would know the candidates position on the real ID issue or the Patriot Act?
Miss the Point

The campaign worker and most young Americans have never read the Consititution, Bill of Rights or the Amendments. No Idea that all are laws are based on or our rights come from this document. Some are only aware of freedom of speech from MTV.