Obama Campaign Deliberately Leaked Western Wall Prayer

Israeli newspapers are now reporting that the Obama campaign deliberately leaked the prayer he placed in the Western Wall in Jerusalem in order to burnish his bona fides as a Christian.

It looks like the "theft" of the prayer note was prearranged by the Obama campaign, and used as a cover story to hide the deliberate leak.

Amazing stuff. An absolute lack of character and integrity we haven't seen since the Clinton years.

Ah gee ...

The mass media are falling all over themselves to help BHO and this soon to be nominee of the Democrats is playing them for the fools they are.

Pity the poor fools.
Duh! The whole trip was a campaign publicity stunt, so is it any suprise that there were little stunts along the way. Obama is a career politician that will do or say anything to get elected.
Hey, give it some points for originality though.

Not like he was on Omaha Beach and there just happened to be enough stones there for him to make a cross...even though there weren't any such stones visible in the picture.

One of my "favorite" Clinton photo-ops.
Proof that prayers go unanswered...
If it were answered he would step to the podium with new found wisdom and do what is *just* and state that he must back out of the race as he is newly aware that he is no where near skilled, experienced or honest enuff to be POTUS!:mad:
The whole trip was a campaign publicity stunt,

Just like the crowd of 200,000 in Berlin was there just to hear his speech. Not!

That crowd was there to see one of the most popular rock bands in Europe. Very shrewd.
obamas trip

It was a trip that disrespected the office of the president,since when did Obama become president,he was acting like he has already won,Bet he will hang his ugly head very low when he loses