Obama And Your Rights

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Obama And Your Rights

The last time we had a Democrat in the White House the so called Assault Weapons Ban came in to existence. Joe Biden was the architect of the whole idea. At that time President Clinton didn’t have the support of a majority in the legislature like our new Administration has but they were still able to pass a law that caused inconvenience to some people, created a false sense of security for others and did absolutely nothing to decrease crime.
Today the Speaker of the House , Senate Majority leader and President have strong anti-gun sentiments which means that there is a good chance they will use this opportunity to do all they can to take your guns away.
The only way to fight the impending attack on the rights of gun owners is to be heard loud and clear when it comes time to protest any changes proposed that do anything but make the Second Amendment stronger.
The decision made in the Heller case should not be considered a permanent victory. In the first weeks of this administration we have seen an amazing amount of reversals and abolition of policies made by the Bush administration. There have been neither discussions nor studies done beforehand because the agenda of the Democrats doesn’t operate on logic or reason but on emotion and the belief that they know what is right for the American people.
The gun owners in this country are generally polite and reasonable people and have been very quiet in the eye of the public mainly because of media bias. In order to be heard we need to be prepared to speak up to anyone that challenges the Constitution. The era of our polite answers and passive attitudes needs to stop and we need to be very vocal. Our opposition doesn’t understand fair play. They really think they have the right to be in charge of our rights. This kind of behavior was exhibited by President Obama in his inaugural speech after President Bush and his staff were gracious enough to make the presidential transition go as smooth as possible. When the Clintons left the White House they took millions of dollars of property paid for by tax payers and never thought they were doing anything wrong.
The above explains what kind of ideology we are dealing with. When the inevitable all out attack on our rights deigns this time we need to be ready to assume a strong offensive position rather than a weak defensive stance as we have in the past. We need to openly protest any threats made by our opposition. Whether it is in a private conversation with an individual or in a group we need to be loud and firm about our beliefs. This doesn’t mean threats should be made but just definitive statements that we will not back down and intend to move forward.
Our founding fathers broke away from England to create a free country. Many have fought and died to preserve those rights. We will soon be challenged either by direct attempts to take our guns away and/or attempts to tax and complicate ammunition and gun purchases and we need to meet those challenges head on.
We will be challenged and we can’t afford to compromise any longer. If anything we need to demand more freedoms and reject the chains of big government.
These may sound like strong words but strength is imperative and we need to stand together against any more attempts at tyranny.
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