Obama and guns. Just my venting


New member
Obama on the 2nd Amendment- (Then some strategically placed quotations and a couple smarty pants remarks)- Enjoy!
As many of you know, there’s a Supreme Court case that’s going to be decided soon about what the Second Amendment means. I taught Constitutional Law for ten years. So I’ve got an opinion. And my opinion is that the second amendment is probably, is an individual right, not just the right of a militia. That’s what I expect the Supreme Court to rule. I think that’s a fair reading of the text of the Constitution. So I respect the right of lawful gun owners to hunt, fish, protect their families. I respect that. Like all rights, they are constrained and bound by the needs of the community. So I have a right to free speech but I can’t just yell fire in this auditorium. I could be prosecuted for that because we’ve got a larger community interest in preventing mayhem. So when I look at Chicago and 34 Chicago public school students gunned down in a single school year, then I don’t think that the second amendment prohibits us from taking action to ensure that, for example, that ATF can share tracing information about illegal handguns that are used on the streets and track them to the gun dealers to find out: What are you doing? And are you just selling them to anybody and filling our hands full of handguns that wind up on the streets and are killing kids? The point being that there’s a tradition of gun ownership in this country that can be respected that is not mutually exclusive with making sure that we are shutting down gun trafficking that is killing kids on our streets. And part of the problem that I have with the NRA is not whether or not people have the right to bear arms but they believe and constraint or regulation whatsoever is something that they have to beat back. And I don’t think that’s how most lawful firearms owners think. I think most of them think: ‘If I’m doing what’s right, if I’m keeping my gun locked down in my home, I understand the safety, I’ve been trained. My rights are not being encroached if we make sure that we don’t have children or criminals or others purchasing handguns causing death and destruction on the streets of urban communities all across the country.’
Neat little breakdown of his words here-- http://www.qando.net/details.aspx?Entry=7985

Obama likes to use this phrase-“I respect the tradition of gun ownership”, instead of recognizing, by law, the RIGHT of keeping and bearing arms.

“I have no intention of taking away folk’s guns.” -Barack Obama *Very disturbing that someone looking to defend the Constitution would need to state that he has no intention of breaking this particular law or taking away this particular right. I would have preferred a strong recognition of the importance of gun ownership and the freedom to defend oneself always. But no……

“If I’m doing what’s right, if I’m keeping my gun locked down in my home….”-Barack Obama, *He’ll allow the keeping, but doesn’t like the bearing of arms.

“Like all rights, they are constrained and bound by the needs of the community.”- Barack Obama

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add "within the limits of the law" because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. –Thomas Jefferson

The purpose of government is now dramatically different than that
which the eighteenth century writers of the Constitution intended.
Government is now broader in scope and bigger in size with a corresponding
reduction in individual liberty. A precise definition of individual rights,
strictly adhered to, is required to prevent the continued erosion and complete destruction of our once-free society. Ron Paul
The fact that Obama supported the DC total ban on handgun ownership as a "reasonable" restraint on the 2nd Amendment says it all. Here in IL, when he served as a State Senator, he supported EVERY proposed law that restricted gun rights, and opposed EVERY proposed law that protected or would enhance the rights of gun owners. That anyone who reads and participates in this forum could even consider voting for him for President astounds me. Add to his gun position is the reality that he has done NOTHING as a State or Federal legislator to distinguish himself, that he believes the government has the obligation to solve all human ills, and seems to have no understanding of the threats facing our nation from radical Islam, there could hardly be a worse choice than Obama as the next President.
The fact that Obama supported the DC total ban on handgun ownership as a "reasonable" restraint on the 2nd Amendment says it all.
The hilarious part was how he supported the ban, then didn't want to comment on the "pending" Supreme Court case, and now agrees with the court's decision, but states that he has always been consistent. He's given a "yes" "no" and "no comment".

I really want someone to corner him on the "carry" issue. We know he's opposed to conceal carry. I really don't think he'll come out in favor of open carry. :D

I want someone to make him say that Americans shouldn't be able to carry guns for self defense, outside of their homes. Make him say it.
Simple solution. Cut the budget on the Secret Service. Let the candidates pay for their own security. It may also be time that the presidents no longer get lifelong service. See how secure BO feels without the Secret Service watching out for him...
He has already stated that he believes that there should be a federal law that overrides all states concealed carry laws. He has been an unapologetic opponent of concealed carry all of his political career.
OBAMA- "As a general principle, I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right, in the same way that we have a right to private property but local governments can establish zoning ordinances that determine how you can use it."

10th Amendment
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

2nd Amendment
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

So Obama would like to believe that the state or local government may only choose to CONSTRAIN the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms, and not choose for themselves to have CCW options, even though this is not a power delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states.

The federal government may ignore the 10th amendment and infringe upon the 2nd amendment.
Very perverse indeed.:eek:
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more venting..

Obama also comes up with foolish analogies to explain restrictions, but they really don't apply to the gun issue, because with the issue of self preservation vs death by violent attack, the gun needs to be loaded and accessible. Ready in a second--BANG!! There's not much room for subtle nuanced musings. :)

Another senseless go nowhere analogy from my first post.
OBAMA- "Like all rights, they are constrained and bound by the needs of the community. So I have a right to free speech but I can’t just yell fire in this auditorium. I could be prosecuted for that because we’ve got a larger community interest in preventing mayhem."
*Mouths alone don't yell fire in the auditorium. It is the individual person that decides to make their mouth yell fire and cause mayhem. It is the same with guns. That's where laws dealing with weapon misconduct come into play. Simple possession of a gun, or a mouth will not cause mayhem.
From his website

Address Gun Violence in Cities:
As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama also favors commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. He supports closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. He also supports making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets. :eek:
Are you kidding or just a shill for Barack Obama? His idea of "reasonable" restrictions on the 2nd Amendment is the total ban of handguns in DC and CHicago. And there is no "gun show loophole". That is just a phrase used to scare people who are ignorant of the current laws. A dealer gets no free pass at a gun show, he or she must still meet all of the same requirements as if the gun was sold in a gun store. Private citizens have the right to sell guns without complying with the onerous requirements that apply to licensed dealers, and it is not reasonable (in my opinion) to treat individuals as if they were licensed dealers. While in the State Senate he voted for every proposed law that restricted honest citizens access to, and the rights to use, firearms and voted against every effort to protect the 2nd Amendment. He is the classic liberal who wants the government to restrict honest citizens rights while being soft on criminals in a misguided idea of compassion. You clearly are a troll, but maybe, just maybe you have the intelligence and capacity to see the light of reason.
*Mouths alone don't yell fire in the auditorium. It is the individual person that decides to make their mouth yell fire and cause mayhem. It is the same with guns. That's where laws dealing with weapon misconduct come into play. Simple possession of a gun, or a mouth will not cause mayhem.

That is an awesome analogy. I've never considered it from that angle. That makes me rethink some things I previously considered reasonable. Hm.
Revelation 76: I owe you an apology. I didn't read your post carefully enough. I thought you were a troll spouting OBama BS on guns, not mearly re-printing what he has on his website. Sorry if I caused any offense.
Simple solution. Cut the budget on the Secret Service. Let the candidates pay for their own security. It may also be time that the presidents no longer get lifelong service. See how secure BO feels without the Secret Service watching out for him...

An interesting thought...

Apparently only "Sportsman" are allowed to have guns.... he can never address gun ownership, without referring to Sportsman.... does he think we are all that stupid?

He mentions sportsmen because he wants John Kerry to be able to continue to go duck hunting.
Revelation 76: I owe you an apology. I didn't read your post carefully enough. I thought you were a troll spouting OBama BS on guns, not mearly re-printing what he has on his website. Sorry if I caused any offense.

No problem vito. :)
Apparently only "Sportsman" are allowed to have guns....

It's really all you need to know about Obama and guns. When Heller passed, Obama immediately couched the decision in terms of sportsmen going hunting. When anyone talks about gun rights using hunting rights as reference, then they are anti 2nd adm....period.
Directly from his website- YIKES!


Obama Supported A Package Of Legislation That Would Limit Handgun Sales To One A Month.
''The package closes the Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card loopholes which resulted in the shooting out in Melrose Park. We're eliminating 17 specific assault weapons. There is no reason why anybody should need an assault weapon to protect themselves or their family,' Obama said. 'We're limiting handgun sales to one a month. 'We're calling for handgun registration. It's very hard right now to track whether or not a felon has turned in his weapons or if he has a FOID card because we don't know how many weapons he has purchased.'" [Chicago Defender, 2/20/01]

It's quite obvious (on many issues) that Obama believes that people should TRUST their government. This is, in my opinion, an absolutely fatal flaw of anyone that would call themselves a patriotic American.
Socrates said:
Simple solution. Cut the budget on the Secret Service. Let the candidates pay for their own security. It may also be time that the presidents no longer get lifelong service. See how secure BO feels without the Secret Service watching out for him...

Presidents no longer get lifetime Secret Service protection. Congress changed the law during George H.W. Bush's term with the provision that it would not affect the current President (i.e., Bush). This means that Bill and Hillary lose their protective detail in January, 2011.

In my weirder moments, I think to myself that this is the real reason why Hillary ran for President when she did. Winning the election this year would mean she & Bill would get Secret Service protection until 2027. I personally think she & Bill are terrified to lose their federal LAW ENFORCEMENT(!) officers (who have full power of arrest and all those other special government powers), and are scared that simple private security without the power of government won't be enough to keep their secrets safe.
I need to do some more checking....it may be that the law changed *during* Clinton's term, in which case he & Hill get lifetime protection, but the current and successive Presidents do not....