O.K.you obey the law and put your gun in the trunk of your car....


New member
...let's say it's a p89 Ruger 9mm(of course).

This question applies to Virginia.

The gun is in a combination locked pistol case with two magazines.

Both magazines are out of the pistol but in the case.

Both magazines are loaded with 115 grn Golden Saber rounds.

They are NOT in the pistol.

Does this still qualify that the pistol is still loaded?

Even if the magazines are not in the pistol?

Let's run another guntype into this as well.

Locked gun case,.357 S&W unloaded cylinder with loaded speedloaders with 125 grn Golden Saber rounds.

Can the ammo even BE in the trunk near the pistols?

I seem to remember something I read about the access to the ammo part of having the guns in a car trunk.

Anyway,the question was just intriguing me so I thought I'd ask.
Well from what I've heard you need to keep the ammo separate all together. With me, if I have a gun in the trunk, the ammo will be in the backseat.
In certain cities and counties,you may not have the option of open or closed carry in certain situations.

To obey the law and to have the weapon at least where you could have it if you needed it ,it might have to be in the trunk of your car.

It's depressing that you really have a very limited carry right in most places in the U.S. (even with a ccw permit)already but that's a fact.

O.k,ammo in the car in the box or in the mags for the gun?

Granted in the box is pretty useless in a fast moving bad situation.
With my rifle I'll keep em in the box. With my pistol I'll be carrying the pistol itself anyway, except if I'm headed somewhere were I can't carry it. In which case I'll keep the mags loaded in the glovebox.
In Iowa both would constitute "loaded". You can legally carry ammo near them (in the same compartment) but we generally avoid the practice.
I don't know the law in VA.
All right,Goslash,what is a legal carry in a car in Iowa.

Please start your reply with ,"In Iowa."

Thanks in advance if you reply.
Many years ago, I worked in Atlanta with an old guy who'd retired from a job in Iowa. The most accursed three words I think I'll ever hear are, "Back in Iowa...." :D
B.N. Real,
"In Iowa" :D If it's in the passenger compartment, it must be in a locked container that's too large to conceal. This does not include just locking it in the glove box.
If it's in a seperate compartment inaccessible to the occupants, it doesn't have to be locked, but it still has to be unloaded.
The ammunition follows the same rules. (Federal law)
Loaded is described as "chambers and magazines" and is interpreted as anything that facilitates rapid loading.
The rules change if you have a CC permit.
In Michigan, the gun must be in the trunk of the car and the ammo must be in another section of the car, they can't be together. That is unless you have a CCW permit.
I just consulted the Virginia Gun Owner's Guide. All it says is the gun must be unloaded, and in the trunk (or as my instructor said, "out of wingspan" as in you can't easily reach it). No further clarification whether the mags have to be completely separate from the gun or not.

Personally I think you'd be fine just to unload the gun, put the mags next to it in a locked gun box and you'll be fine. A couple states require the mags to be unloaded as well, but I don't think that applies to VA.

But all that's moot, just open carry. I'd recommend you unholster and stick it between the console and seat however.

They tried to pass a law allowing loaded 'glove box' storage, but Gov Kaine veto'ed the bill that passed both house and senate. I plan to attend a Q&A session tomorrow to find out why.

Does your state CC permit have reciprocity with VA?
In Michigan, the gun must be in the trunk of the car and the ammo must be in another section of the car, they can't be together. That is unless you have a CCW permit.

There is no harm in doing so if you wish but there is no requirement under MI law for the ammo to be "in another section of the car."

The law:

750.227 Concealed weapons; carrying; penalty.

Sec. 227.

(1) A person shall not carry a dagger, dirk, stiletto, a double-edged nonfolding stabbing instrument of any length, or any other dangerous weapon, except a hunting knife adapted and carried as such, concealed on or about his or her person, or whether concealed or otherwise in any vehicle operated or occupied by the person, except in his or her dwelling house, place of business or on other land possessed by the person.

(2) A person shall not carry a pistol concealed on or about his or her person, or, whether concealed or otherwise, in a vehicle operated or occupied by the person, except in his or her dwelling house, place of business, or on other land possessed by the person, without a license to carry the pistol as provided by law and if licensed, shall not carry the pistol in a place or manner inconsistent with any restrictions upon such license.

(3) A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or by a fine of not more than $2,500.00.
750.231a Exceptions to § 750.227(2); definitions.

The relevant exceptions to that law:
Sec. 231a.

(1) Subsection (2) of section 227 does not apply to any of the following:

(d) To a person while transporting a pistol for a lawful purpose that is licensed by the owner or occupant of the motor vehicle in compliance with section 2 of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.422, and the pistol is unloaded in a closed case designed for the storage of firearms in the trunk of the vehicle.

(e) To a person while transporting a pistol for a lawful purpose that is licensed by the owner or occupant of the motor vehicle in compliance with section 2 of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.422, and the pistol is unloaded in a closed case designed for the storage of firearms in a vehicle that does not have a trunk and is not readily accessible to the occupants of the vehicle.
Hanno, That is what I allways thought, as long as gun was unloaded and in case everything would be cool. But just found out that it not the case. While going to The Firing Line shooting range, which is owned and operated by former and active Westland Police officers, got up to counter to pay for my range session, and the officer (not on Duty) saw me take my membership card out of my range bag. Now in my range bag I carry my pistol in one compartment, ammo and range gear in another, he asks me if that is way I carry to the range, I say yes, he says hope you don't get stopped for a trafic violation. I say why, he says you'll be arrested for carrying that way. I tell him the gun is separate from the ammo and it is locked and in the back of my Ford Edge (no trunk). He says that is against the law, so I ask another one of the offficers working there and he tells me the same thing. so now I'm keeping them separate.
and the officer (not on Duty) saw me take my membership card out of my range bag

Could be that the officers at your range are correct; however, I'd never trust a l.e.o. to read and interpret the law for me. Read it for yourself. It's public info.