O.C. in England?


New member
Flying out this afternoon for London and the Cream reunion concert. I know that folding knives are not a good idea in England, what about pepper spray laws there and if OK, any rules against flying with O.C. in checked luggage?

all forms of mace, O.C. and pepper sprays are in the same classification as machine guns and will get you into big trouble very quickly
If confronted in England by someone intent on robbing or assaulting you, the government-proscribed solution is to say in a stern voice, "go away you bad, bad man!".
OC in England?
No. That would demonstrate the ability for you to think and prepare to defend yourself. In Merry Olde, thinking and self-defense has been decreed illegal as it encroaches on the goobermint's responsibility to think for you and protect you. :rolleyes:
As we all know government thinks for us and protects us better than we can for ourselves. :barf:
Remember race car driver Jackie Stewart? He used Mace to defend himself against a thug and the British goobermint nearly burned him at the stake for it. And he was the one attacked.
Europe, in general, is OC unfriendly. During my time in the Army I spent 7 months in Kosovo as a Military Policeman. Use of riot control agents (O.C.) required Presidential Authority. As a squad leader, I---No better yet my wet behing the ears M249 Gunner could, using his EXTENSIVE 4 months of experience and training, use deadly force.

So I the one civil disturbance we encountered when I needed to disperse a crowd I had to use riot batons or call and ask for permission through chain of command to use O.C.

Because OC is considered a chemical warfare agent in the same class as VX, sarin, etc. I don't remember which treaty it fell under or if the USA was a signator on same but because of our no first strike policy it was easier to use deadly rather than less than leathal means.