NZ gun buyback data breach


New member
Very unsettling email I received today


COLFO has learned within the past hour of a massive data breach on the Police database for firearm hand-in and compensation.

Information on over 70,000 notifications including details of licensed firearm owners, their firearms, and their bank account numbers, were accessible to web page users. We know of several supporters who have reported this to us.

They were able to screenshot and download information. This means that gang members or other criminal elements could have accessed this information before our supporters found the breach. 

We have demanded that the web page and whole hand-in application programme is suspended immediately.

Keep an eye on your bank account – possibly notify your bank to stop unusual transactions.You may consider whether you should take extra personal and home security precautions.

This is exactly what we feared of an incompetent agency in charge of an online register.

We will be in touch as this develops.

And they want us to trust them to look after a register.

NZ Police media release
And they will still get in line to turn them in!
Not exactly..
If the Left in the United States thinks that a buy back program would work, all they have to do is look at the New Zealand and New York SAFE Act, both of which have been extremely unsuccessful. Persons want the ability to defend themselves and New Zealanders, without explicit protection of the right to bear arms, appear to have made the decision to brave the upcoming deadline without turning over their firearms.