NYS permits and a question/observation


New member
This is more an academic question, but I was thinking about a odd point of law as it would apply in New York State. Bear with me for a moment...

When you travel to another state/jurisdiction, you are bound by the _local_ laws. Just because you are from, for example, New York, doesn't mean that NY laws apply to you when you are in, for example, New Jersey. You may have New York drivers license, but still have to abide by the New Jersey traffic laws. I use this as an example since NY and NJ obviously have reciprocity for drivers licenses.

Now, let's keep it in NY. Here, your pistol permit is a NYS permit, but is issued by the county. The counties all have "reciprocity" with each other throughout the state. (I will keep NYC out of this for the moment). If I get my permit in Suffolk County, that permit is just as valid in Otsego County.

However, some counties add administrative restrictions to the permit. In Suffolk, permits are usually restricted to a "Class/Type: Sportsman". My understanding is that this restriction is not covered in state law, and is just something the county adds. You can't get arrested for violating the terms of the restriction, but the county can revoke you license.

So here is the question...

I hear that there are some counties in NY that are basically "shall issue" counties when it comes to CCW. If that is the case, how does that affect a permit when visiting THAT COUNTY, when the restriction is a local one from a DIFFERENT county? Will county "A" enforce the "rules" of county "B" when county "A" doesn't have the same rule?

This also leads to differences in county rules as it applies to any restrictions. If you have a county "A" restriction that is similar to, but not the same as, county "B", how does/can county "B" enforce that?

More a theoretical than a practical question, but something I have been wondering about.
The administrative restrictions of one county are generally honored by others. The fact that the second county doesn't impose administrative restrictions does not somehow render those limitations void when you are going through another county.

If an issue with a permit holder from another county arises that we feel the issuing judge needs to know about, then a letter is sent to that judge. They can decide how to handle the issue at hand.
Purely a county by county issue regarding the reporting of out of restriction carry back to the issuing authority. Perhaps it will be done, perhaps it will not. Reported or not no county, outside of NYC, can actually arrest or charge you with anything although you might have a problem with your issuer.

The rule in NYS is as always... CONCEALED MEANS CONCEALED. Don't break the law and practice good carrying habits. Flashing, printing and any other sloppiness in NY is an unforgivable offense.