NY's new gun control law

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New member
NY passed a new gun control law! It might be the toughest in the nation. Imagine a background check just to buy ammo!!

your thoughts?
I live in NY and I can't imagine how King Cuomo's trampling on the Second Amendment is constitutional. Today is a very sad day for us New Yorkers and could be foreshadowing for those of you in more free states.
While I am residing in Colorado I still maintain New York State residency. I've contacted all of my representatives to let them know this was an outrage for law abiding citizens, and I fully expect them to challenge this in the State Supreme Court.

My district's state Senator was one of the 18 "No" votes.
We already have a thread that started out discussing the proposed laws. Now that same thread is discussing the passage of those laws.

What we don't need is threads (like this) littering the entire board.

Seriously, the Law & Civil Rights forum is where you should be, if you wish to discuss these things.

New York State Gun Control - Passed!
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